Has anyone received mail from the Global Garden list since October?

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Sue Callaghan

Dec 29, 2011, 8:16:08 AM12/29/11
to chile...@googlegroups.com

Hi all,

I’ve joined this group today because it seems like the GG list has died although the server still seems to be accessible. I’ve sent 2 emails to the old list in the last few weeks but have yet to see a digest including them or any kind of response from anyone so have to assume that it has finally died after all these years. The last mail I received was Chile-Heads Digest V8 #1040 sent on the 25th October. Has there been any traffic since then? This new list seems pretty quiet too and not many member of the GG list seem to have signed up here.  Has all that obsession with matters chile died off with the passing of time or are we just slow on the uptake due to the average “advanced” age of the members? I see lots of familiar names such as Alex S, Sandy O, Dirty Dave, Doug and Marie etc but can’t recognise any that might be Rael, =Mark, Jim Campbell, Dave Anderson and lots of other old timers who I’ll miss if they vanish into the ether. Where are they all if they haven’t joined up here?

Anyway, our growing season is in full swing here in South Africa and I have an assortment of peppers growing in the veggie garden. I have an abundance of Cayennes, Jalapenos, Serranos, a Dorset Naga which was over-wintered and some “mystery” chiles from seed donated by colleagues and friends.  You know how it goes. A friend comes back from a trip to Thailand or some other exotic locale (which you can’t afford to travel to yourself) and all they bring you is a couple of dried chiles from a market with the message that they “know you like chiles”. They don’t even know the name of the chile type but you plant them anyway just to see what comes up. I have 2 groups of plants grown from this type of seed and as they don’t have any fruits yet, I can’t comment on what varieties they may be. Both look like examples of Annuum at this stage but time will tell as they develop and start bearing fruit.

It looks like the season will be a wet one again which is a pity as my chiles don’t seem to like having water logged roots. We have a heavy clay soil and despite years of composting, the soil retains water too well sometimes! Chiles in pots do better in this weather. My yields seem to be lower in seasons where the weather is wet – has anyone else noticed this? Don’t know if it’s due to the dampness or because of the reduced pollination but I’m not expecting bumper crops unless things suddenly dry up.

Cheers from Sue in a not so sunny SA!

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Jim Graham

Dec 29, 2011, 8:30:33 AM12/29/11
to chile...@googlegroups.com, chile heads
On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 01:16:08PM +0000, Sue Callaghan wrote:

> I've joined this group today because it seems like the GG list has died

This is from my $HOME/.log_procmail:

>From owner-ch...@globalgarden.com Tue Dec 27 13:22:03 2011
Subject: Re: [CH] GMOs
Folder: /var/mail/jim 4321

Definitely not dead. As I've already posted both here and in the active
list (CH), the domain was renewed for another year. According to whois,
it's good until 8Dec12 now. As for the digest version, I don't know how
GG determines when it's time to send a digest, so I can't answer that


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Mark Ellis

Dec 30, 2011, 12:27:01 AM12/30/11
to Jim Graham, chile...@googlegroups.com, chile heads
Hey all

The digest is triggered by total size in messages received which is a standard admin function in majordomo. If you look at the size of  a previous digest or two, then you will see that they are about the same size. I am pretty sure there isn't a monthly digest trigger configured.

Mark E in Oz

Mark E.
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