Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal called Congress led UPA Government 'anti-farmer' and lacked vision to ensure Food Security of the country.

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Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal

Aug 22, 2011, 3:39:47 AM8/22/11

Ludhiana (Bhamian Kalan) August 22, 2011 :  National Secretary and Incharge
J&K, BJP Kisan Morcha, Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal called Congress led UPA
Government 'anti-farmer' and lacked vision to ensure Food Security of the
country. Grewal stated that Congress led UPA Government is sitting over 3
important legislations on Land Acquisition, Seed and Pesticide Bills meant
to protect the Rights of the Kisan due to which BJP Kisan Morcha will
organise a demonstration before the Parliament on 3rd August 2011 under the
leadership of Sri Om Prakash Dhankar, National President of Kisan Morcha
demanding introduction of the Bills in Parliaments and enactment of laws as
per amendments suggested by the morcha.
Grewal stated that land acquisition process is under way at several
locations across the country and fertile land of the farmers is cornered by
the governments at throw away prices by misusing the flaws in the colonial
Land Acquisition Act, 1894.  Grewal aggrieved that Congress led UPA
Government have failed to amend this medieval Land Acquisition Act and the
Congress led UPA Government is sitting over the Land Acquisition Bill, 2007
for past 4 years at the behest of certain Industrial lobbies nurtured by it.
Grewal urged the Congress led UPA Government to re-introduce the Land
Acquisition Bill, 2007 with the following demands: -
 1.       Government shall acquire minimal land for National Security and
Infrastructure facilities and not for profitable projects of private
companies. Government shall not broker land for Private companies and the
companies shall purchase land directly from Kisans with their consent.
2.       Fertile Land shall be conserved like Forest Land to ensure Food
Security of the country. Only barren, un-irrigated and minimum producing
land shall be acquired for projects other than roads, railways and canals
3.       Rehabilitation should precede land acquisition. Rehabilitation
shall include not only Kisan but also people dependent upon Kisans such as
labourers and artisans. Government shall provide adequate employment
opportunities to them considering poor money management and lack of
knowledge other than agriculture. If Land is purchased on Free Hold basis
Title of the Land shall be converted only after full and final payment to
the affected persons and their Rehabilitation. Further, Kisan shall be given
annuity for 33 years @ 1% and annual increase of 5% he ensured in order to
keep its price stable.
4.       More options be provided as compensation and rehabilitation and the
project effected person be given right to negotiation, such as:
a.       Title of the Land shall remain with the Kisan and Land shall only
be taken on Lease Hold basis which shall not exceed 99 years. Kisan shall be
paid monthly Lease equivalent to the Interest accrued upon the Price of the
Land acquired from the Kisan. The above compensation shall increase on year
to year basis as per the prevailing Rent Laws. In case of termination of the
Project, Land shall be restored to the Kisan or his successors.
b.      After imposition of Section-4 of the Land Acquisition Act,
Government shall first serve individual notice to each Kisan and shall
immediately change the Land Use keeping in view land's prospective use and
shall compensate the Kisan according to the changed Land use. The project
towards which land use is converted and the land is put to some other use,
80% of the Dividend from the Sale of the Land shall be given to the Kisan.
c.       Land from the Kisan shall be acquired at actual Market Rate, and
Kisan shall be allowed to share dividend from the future projects
commissioned on the acquired land.
d.      The Kisan shall be given cultivable land at other places in exchange
of his cultivable land and Dividend from the future projects shall be given
to the Kisan.
5.       If Government acquires Residential Land of the Village for a
Project, better Residential accommodation shall be provided to the affected
6.       Since, agriculture have become a loss making enterprise so
Government shall allow free Change of Land Use to the agriculturists who
want to start an enterprise on their Land.
7.       Government shall also give compensation towards the Electricity
Poles and overhead Wires passing through their farms.
8.       Land shall be returned to the actual owners in case of any failure
of an Institution to utilize the acquired land for a period above five
9.       An authority comprising of members from judicial background having
judicial powers be constituted at District, State and National levels  to
dispose disputes arising out of acquisition
 Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal
National Secretary , BJP Kisan Morcha
Incharge Jammu & Kashmir
Hand Phone: +91-9814000337


Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal

Aug 22, 2011, 10:23:20 AM8/22/11
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