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Lebogang (NSA SA)

Mar 2, 2009, 8:06:41 AM3/2/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09

Today i had to feed my pet lion, rethatch the hut, collect water from
the river, go plough the fields and bathe my bethrothed husband...

JOKES! I hope you didnt believe any of that. If you did its okay, now
you know that none of that happens around here.

Today i lost my i-pod, ate sooo much Mcdonalds and misplaced the key
to my locker.

When you think South Africa, what REALLY comes to mind?

#Be honest, i can take it!!!


Mar 2, 2009, 11:18:23 AM3/2/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
I have the advantage of being old enough to remember the release of
Nelson Mandela, so I saw plenty of news footage set in urban
locations. So my impression is actually of cities and suburban
areas. I guess my question would be "How much of South Africa is set
aside for nature preserves, or is still in its natural condition?"

On Mar 2, 8:06 am, "Lebogang (NSA SA)" <>

Stephania (G-STAR)

Mar 4, 2009, 10:39:41 PM3/4/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Hi Lebogang, I like how you said “Be honest, I can take it” because I
feel like I know exactly why you said that. I think that many
Americans don’t picture something positive when it comes to South
Africa as well as some other countries around the world.
When I think of South Africa, I think of it as a country like every
other country in the world. Even though it might be going through some
circumstances that are affecting many South Africans as well as other
nations around it, I think South Africa has plenty of positive things
and many beautiful places. I believe that every single country in this
world have some things that could be fixed to make them better, but at
the same time, they all have magnificent beauties, but unfortunately,
many people only learn the negative sides.
When I first read this post, it reminds me of my country, Haiti. Many
people only think of Haiti as a dirty country with nothing positive
about it and that’s absolutely not true. I was born and raised there
and when I first came to the U.S, I realize that many people knew
nothing positive about it and that’s because that is all they’ve been
taught and that’s what the media want them to see.
I think many South Africans have different preference of music than we
do, different culture (of course), different beliefs, and many other
things that make them unique, but despite all these differences, I
know that we all have things in common and we can all understand each
other no matter how different our languages may be.
It doesn’t matter which country you’re from, you should always be
proud of it.
I would love to visit South Africa one day. It’s definitely one of my
goals for the next 5 years.

Lebogang (NSA SA)

Mar 9, 2009, 9:19:10 AM3/9/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09

Im am not saying that i have a zoo in my backyard or that there is a
living butchery in my garage, but there is sooooo much land here that
is set aside aside for wildlife or for agricultural purposes. South
Africa in fact has the largest game reserve in the whole of Africa
( If ever you come here, I would recommend that you go there). This is
because our interesting vegetation as well as the animals that are
indiginous to South Arica are the main things that attract tourist

There are some areas that do however remain in their natural state.
with that said, i think we have many countries all in one.

" The rainbow nation"
> > #Be honest, i can take it!!!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lebogang (NSA SA)

Mar 9, 2009, 9:24:44 AM3/9/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Thanks for the honesty Steph, it is greatly appreciated. I am also
glad that you can relate. If ever you do actually find yourself in S.A
for whatever reason, I'm sure it is the culture and the hospitality
that you are going to enjoy the most.

I have never heard of Haiti and now you have captured my interest. If
you do not mind please tell me more. Is it in Asia or South America by
any chance?

On Mar 5, 5:39 am, "Stephania (G-STAR)" <>

Erica (G-STAR)

Mar 11, 2009, 12:12:15 AM3/11/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Well, I certainly don't picture people having lions as pets. Lol (as
much as I love the big cats) But, I actually do picture more land than
city. I'm sure it is a beautiful country, though. Honestly, I had
imagined a rather different lifestyle, but with you talking about
iPods and McDonald's, I guess we're not that different after all.

I was wondering, by the way, what's the weather like in S.A.? Here in
Florida, the weather can be pretty unpredictable. One minute it's
freezing outside, the next I'm pulling off layers of clothing I had on
from earlier in the morning. Once my mom was driving home over a
bridge and it was raining on one side of the bridge but not on the
other! Pretty crazy, right?

On Mar 2, 9:06 am, "Lebogang (NSA SA)" <>

Stephania (G-STAR)

Mar 22, 2009, 2:31:37 AM3/22/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Wow Lebogang, South Africa sounds so interesting. I can’t wait to
visit. Oh yea I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

No, Haiti is not in Asia. Haiti is located in the Caribbean; it
occupies the island of Hispaniola along with the Dominican Republic.
It was the first independent nation in the Caribbean, the first post-
colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only
nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave

I sent a DVD about Haiti in the package that we sent to South Africa
so you can see what it’s like there. I hope you'll have the chance to
see it; it's called Haiti's Hidden Treasures.

So is there anything new going on in South Africa right now that you
would like to share with us?

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