Re: Re :

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tricia isingizwe.

May 28, 2009, 5:58:44 AM5/28/09

hi Steph,u know trusting someone is not the problem but when the one u really trust and love up to edge is the one who deceive u it is very painfull and hard to carry.
but also when ther'z none who care,when u dont feel any affection u are not happy u feel so miserably,it'zlike u dont have any value so that people may be interested in yu
so we all need love but the true one coz a thing love iz as serious thing but also love cant be true without trust that why we have to do it even if while dissapointed we regret it
the truth is that we cant love without douts it goes with a little jelousy coz when u dont know exactly why u lov someone,why u feel jelous sometime that when u really love him
                       STAY BLESSED LUV U

Stephania (G-STAR)

May 31, 2009, 7:20:09 PM5/31/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Wow Tricia, thank you for the advice. Trusting people around me is
something that I'm still learning. Everything you wrote meant a lot to
me, and while reading it, I'm realizing that it's all true.

God Bless You :)

tricia isingizwe.

Jun 4, 2009, 8:55:39 AM6/4/09

u know what steph!all uwe need iz to trust our selvz and by then thingz will come itz selvz

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