who do you respact

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Mar 9, 2009, 9:22:10 AM3/9/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Why do some people respect dead people more than living people? and
when some one dies who do you respect and why because you couldn't do
it while the person was alive?

Adam (G-STAR)

Mar 9, 2009, 8:30:42 PM3/9/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09

I definatly respect both living and dead people.

I respect people like Emma Goldman, who was a major player in the
Feminist/Labor movements.

I also respect Langston Hughes, my favorite poet!

There are people who are alive that I respect as well.

I have mant musician freinds from far and wide, who I have a great
deal of respect for.

My best friend Emily Colley, (who is alos partaking in this project)
is someone who I respct dearly!

We should give people equal respect wheather they are alive or dead.

We shoud have some respect for all people!

Steff (G-STAR)

Mar 11, 2009, 8:13:06 PM3/11/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Well, I'll be honest, I never thought about it but some people really
do show more respect for the dead. I know, personally, I show much
respect for both but in some ways and certain situations I do show the
dead more respect.

For instance, my grandma died a couple years ago and although most of
my memories of her are from my childhood, I still hold so much respect
for her. She was not around very much because she lived in a different
state but she attempted to see my brother and I as much as possible. I
think I have more respect for her than some living people because I
never got to show her it when she was alive. Maybe I'm just making up
for the time I was too young to respect her. It's hartd to explain I

Yet, as I said above, I do respect many living people as well. I try
as hard as I can to treat others as I would like to be treated and I
definitely appreciate those who do the same.

And now that I think about it...Maybe this is America's problem...We
need respect for the FUTURE and to move on from the past.

Miles (G-STAR)

Mar 15, 2009, 9:20:50 PM3/15/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
Interesting question. It's odd that we don't respect someone or
something until it's too late. May just be another flaw in human
nature. Perhaps we don't acknowledge the living more so because they
are still here and we have time to respect them later and in the crazy
fast paced life of today we don't take time to stop and "live in the
moment". When someone has passed on we don't have time with them
anymore, so we look back and realize that they've accomplished.

Reyna (G-STAR)

Mar 16, 2009, 11:43:55 PM3/16/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
I think people feel obligated to respect the dead most because they
think they will feel some celestial wrath, or bad karma if they don't.
Personally my respect has to be earned. Respect is a privilage and you
have to give it to recieve it.
With that said, alive or dead respect needs to be earned.

Adam (G-STAR)

Mar 17, 2009, 6:40:26 PM3/17/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
True Reyna, cold, but ture.

Stephania (G-STAR)

Mar 22, 2009, 2:55:08 AM3/22/09
to Children of Conflict 08-09
I think that many of us respect dead people more because we know that
we will never have the chance to speak to them again and sometimes we
regret doing something that disappointed them before they died. Most
of us don't always think that we should always enjoy every second
laughing and having a great time with our love ones until they are no
longer with us. I don't think that it's a matter of respect but mostly
a matter of regrets and denial.

That’s why we should always try our best to always show love to the
ones we love (as well as the one we don’t get along with so well)
while they’re still alive because it will be impossible to do so once
they’re gone; we might end up regretting it for the rest of our

"Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart
because you might wake up one day and realize that you've lost a
diamond while you were too busy collecting stones..."

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