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join us Tuesday 5/24: Ali Abunimah/ BDS event at DePaul

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Chicago IJAN

May 20, 2011, 3:50:07 PM5/20/11
Hello friends of IJAN,

Some Chicago IJAN members will be attending the event below this coming Tuesday. We would love to see you there! It's an exciting time at Depaul, as students just voted on a referendum to remove Sabra Hummus from university shelves, as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. The polls closed this morning!!

If you are planning to go, respond to Leora, - we'd love to meet up with you there.

Leora / Chicago IJAN

*Please forward widely*
The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights The Boycott Movement Against Israeli Occupation

Featuring a lecture by Ali Abunimah and a special guest performance by Remi Kanazi

Remi Kanazi is a Palestinian poet and political commentator based in New York. Ali Abunimah is a renowned journalist, author and founder of the Electronic Intifada. They will speak about the growing boycott movement as a peaceful means to pressure Israel to change its policies to comply with international law.

This event is important in light of SJP's campaign to convince DePaul to boycott its sale of Sabra food products (see video). Sabra products are manufactured by the Strauss Group, an Israeli corporation that supports the Givati and Golani brigades of the Israeli army. These "elite" brigades have been cited for numerous human rights violations since 1948, including during Israel’s three-week assault on Gaza that killed over 1,400 mostly unarmed civilians.

Tuesday, May 24

@ 7:00pm

DePaul University
McGowan South, Room 108
1110 W. Belden Ave. (near Belden & Clifton)
Chicago, IL 60614

Please bring $5 suggested donation to help SJP cover the costs for this event. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Brought to you by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the DePaul International Studies Program

For more information, contact


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