Zine Fest Volunteers needed! Sat May 18th

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Nell Taylor

May 9, 2019, 3:41:08 PM5/9/19
to chicago-underground...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Same as with CHIRP, we need a couple people to help us out NEXT Saturday May 18th to hang out with the BiblioTreka. You don't need to ride it to help — the shifts in the middle of the day are just talking about the library with a bunch of zine folks and letting them peruse our pop up library on the BiblioTreka.

It's at Plumber's Union Hall, 1340 W. Washington, in the West Loop. http://chicagozinefest.org/czf-2019/

We need folks to help out from 10:30am-6pm, let me know if you can take any of the following time blocks!




If you're willing to ride the BiblioTreka back to the library, please let me know ASAP! I can get your trained this week or next. It's a giant cargo tricycle, kind of fun, but for experienced cyclists only since it's heavy!) https://readwritelibrary.org/programs/bibliotreka


Nell Taylor, Executive Director
Read/Write Library
914 N. California, Walton Entrance
Chicago, IL 60622
Pronouns: she/her/hers


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