Demian's After Action Report - Days [Unknown]: Beyond the Door of Dreams

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Mar 11, 2007, 12:22:27 AM3/11/07
to Chicago Area RPG Nexus
Tonight, Patrick, Scott, and I once again curled up around the pool
table to drag Argack, Kaaarl, and a handful of NPCs through another
gripping (literally) adventure. This time, our steadfast DM, Scott,
threw a chanting, undead Edie Gorme wannabe, a pair of married
cultists, and a kiddie-munching hag at the party. They all turned out
to be no match for Argack's 24-inch pythons and Kaaarl's evil-smiting,
meat-tenderizing mace. Much thanks also goes out to Justinia, our NPC
cleric-cum-party savior and Pippy, our Oliver Twistette-cum-sword

We hope to have a few more players join our unfortunately NPC-heavy
Saturday night game. So, if you've got a few hours to spare, join up.

Brandon Kutka

Mar 11, 2007, 1:06:09 AM3/11/07
Sorry I couldn't make it, I had to go into work, was busy all day

jack upham

Mar 11, 2007, 9:38:27 AM3/11/07
A cast of thousands should be this campaigns battle cry!! Yup, a great game guys with lots of loot to show for your efforts.
EXP received: 1000
Campaign: Forgotten Realms
Side Adventure leads:
Preform messenger services for House Cannath
Convince a few strong willed merchants to trust House Corellone in transporting thier goods.
Help House Orion explore new and shorter routes to Silverymoon but rumored to be through possible Reever Territory.
Items founds during the game:
A Thousand Broken Dreams: an intelligent long sword from a bygone era.
Gloves of Missile Snaring
Ring of Intelligence +2
NPC's met during the game:
Father Eric Stout of Helm
Dorma Watch Lord of Byzantium Secondus
Capt Hawk Capt of the Watch
Belthazar Sky Pirate Lord and owner of the Queen Ann's Revenge
Vara First Mate of the Queen Ann's Revenge
Pipi Rogue street urchin
NPC bad guys encountered:
The Crypt Enchanter- An undead Bard and Temple guardian in the service of Bain
Husband /Wife Cultists of Bain and supplier's of sacrofices and candy ingriedients.
Granny the Hag and owner of Grandma's Candies
desmond- Fighter and body guard to granny.
The under secretary of the treasury?
The adventure begins as the players try clear out a subterranean temple beneath the Door of Dreams Inn and encounter a real nasty beastie. After taking it on the chin a few times, the stalwart adventurers were finally able to take out the Bard like creature that was giving them grief.
The players then find a hidden passage up to a private residence's root cellar containing stolen items from the treasury of Silverymonn. Crates of candy ingredients bound for Grandmas Candy factory, Pamphlets telling children to journey to Grandmas for free candy. Of course these children never returned.............
The Player defeat both cultists with the Wife surviving and her next door neighbor wanting the cultists furniture, go figure. The Watch arrives and along with the players, they take the surviving cultist to the Byzantium Secondus Watch Barracks/ Fortress where they meet Dorma, a Drow Watch Lord with a heart of gold. She tasks the players to go and investigate Grandma's Candy factory which is almost a weeks travel by foot. The Players agree to help and begin gearing up for their journey.
Pipi tell's the players she knows a Sky Pirate name Belthazar who could transport them with in a day near Grandma's Candy factory. The Players meet-up with Bathazar at a place called the Dragons Flagon a combination Ice cream Parlor and Tavern. Belthazar agrees to take the players to Grandma's and in return owes him a favor.
The players encounter grandma and her son desmond and a desperate fight ensues. Grandma turns out to be a hag and her "son" is a minor death knight. Twice during the battle Pipi almost bought the farm due to her relentless sneak attacks on the death knight. This pissed the Death Knight off and he tried to kill off the little urchin. But a quck thinking Justinia kept the kid alive to fight again and again. Patricks character was also getting pretty bloodied by the Hags attacks and the Paladin did all he could to try and keep the death knight at bay and protect Pipi.
By the time all was said and done, the players had defeated the bad guys, freed the children which were being used as slave labor and burned the candy factory to the ground. We left off with the Children and players being transported back to Byzantium Secondus aboard Queen Ann's Revenge, but wait what is that in the distance? A sky ship with bloody symbols and rotted corpses hanging off the ships bow........................

Demian <> wrote:

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jack upham

Mar 12, 2007, 7:05:10 PM3/12/07
Hi all-
Would their be any interest in playing this saturday evening? If so let me know and I will prep the next installement of the campaign this week.

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.


Mar 15, 2007, 10:51:19 AM3/15/07
to Chicago Area RPG Nexus
I remember you saying that there was another DM interested in running
a game - maybe on Saturday nights? You were going to alternate
Saturdays with him? Is that still a possibility? We all seemed to
really like that idea.

On Mar 12, 6:05 pm, jack upham <> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Would their be any interest in playing this saturday evening? If so let me know and I will prep the next installement of the campaign this week.
> Scott

> ---------------------------------

jack upham

Mar 15, 2007, 2:52:26 PM3/15/07
Yup, that be Brandon, he wants to do a d20 starwars campaign which I would be delighted to join. Plus Brandon is a great DM so no worries as far as bad DM'ing is concerned.
anyway, there will be a D&D game Saturday around 630pm. Plus that can give us all a chance to talk to Brandon about his Starwars game.

Demian <> wrote:

The fish are biting.
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