*CHI: bubble .
%mor: n|bubble .
%chi: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00
*MOT: yeah , bubbles .
%mor: co|yeah cm|cm v|bubble-3S .
%adu: $FRO $EXA:bubble $EXACT $MADD:-3S $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00
However, other times, it is not including the utterance level code despite being coded exactly the same as the exchange above ($FRO $EXA: $MADD:)
*CHI: toy .
%mor: n|toy .
%chi: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00
*MOT: toys , yeah .
%mor: n|toy-PL cm|cm co|yeah .
%adu: $FRO $EXA:toy $MADD:-PL $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00
*CHI: bye bubble .
%mor: co|bye n|bubble .
%chi: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00
*MOT: bye bubbles .
%mor: co|bye v|bubble-3S .
%adu: $FRO $EXA:bye-bubble $MADD:-3S $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00
*CHI: bubble .
%mor: n|bubble .
%chi: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00
*MOT: [^ oh] bubbles .
%mor: n|bubble-PL .
%adu: $FRO $EXA:bubble $MADD:-PL $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00
*MOT: I thought you said byebye bubbles .
%mor: pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you v|say&PAST co|byebye v|bubble-3S
%adu: $EXA:bubble $FRO $ADD:I-think-you-say-byebye $EXPAN $MADD:-3S $DIST
= 2 $REP = 0.17
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