CHIP morphological additions

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Emily Harrington

Jun 27, 2024, 3:49:02 PMJun 27
to chibolts
Hi there,

I am using CHIP to track instances of caregiver imitations ($EXACT and $REDUC) and caregiver expansions ($EXPAN).

I am using the following command line:
chip +bMOT +cCHI -ns -nc +g -hexclude.cut +q3 +f +d +t%mor +t%cod +t@ @

I found some inconsistencies with how CHIP is placing these utterance-level codes when the utterance has morphological additions. I've included examples from the attached transcript. Note that I entered a cut file that excludes conversational devices, which is why CHIP is ignoring "yeah" in the examples. 

 In some cases, CHIP is adding the utterance level code before coding the morphological addition:

*CHI:     bubble .

%mor:   n|bubble .

%chi:     $NO_REP $REP = 0.00

*MOT:   yeah , bubbles .

%mor:   co|yeah cm|cm v|bubble-3S .

%adu:   $FRO $EXA:bubble $EXACT $MADD:-3S $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00


However, other times, it is not including the utterance level code despite being coded exactly the same as the exchange above ($FRO $EXA: $MADD:)

*CHI:     toy .

%mor:   n|toy .

%chi:     $NO_REP $REP = 0.00

*MOT:   toys , yeah .

%mor:   n|toy-PL cm|cm co|yeah .

%adu:   $FRO $EXA:toy    $MADD:-PL $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00

*CHI:     bye bubble .

%mor:   co|bye n|bubble .

%chi:     $NO_REP $REP = 0.00

*MOT:   bye bubbles .

%mor:   co|bye v|bubble-3S .

%adu:   $FRO $EXA:bye-bubble    $MADD:-3S $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00

*CHI:     bubble .

%mor:   n|bubble .

%chi:     $NO_REP $REP = 0.00

*MOT:   [^ oh] bubbles .

%mor:   n|bubble-PL .

%adu:   $FRO $EXA:bubble    $MADD:-PL $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00

*MOT:   I thought you said byebye bubbles .

%mor:   pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you v|say&PAST co|byebye v|bubble-3S

%adu:   $EXA:bubble $FRO $ADD:I-think-you-say-byebye $EXPAN $MADD:-3S $DIST

                = 2 $REP = 0.17

Can you help me understand why these are being treated differently by the CHIP program and if there is anything I can do with the transcripts/command line to ensure consistency?

Thank you! 

Emily Harrington
PhD Candidate 
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 


Leonid Spektor

Jun 28, 2024, 8:06:30 AMJun 28
Hi Emily,

I don't get the same results that you do, so my first question to you is what version of CLAN are you using? Also, unfortunately, the results that I get are incorrect. The comma (,) cm|cm character is causing problems. This will take a little while to fix and figure out. Please email to me directly the answer about the version of CLAN that you are using. I will try to fix the problem with comma (,) cm|cm character and then I will try to figure out why results for you are inconsistent.

I get consistent results using the latest version of CLAN and command "chip +bMOT +cCHI -ns -nc +g -hexclude.cut +q3 +d chip.cha". But, results are erroneous (in red color), because of the cm|cm character error. The +f, +t%mor, +t%cod and +t@ options are not necessary for testing CHIP command. Here is what I get for the first two example in your email:

*CHI:     bubble .
%mor: n|bubble .
*MOT:   yeah , bubbles .
%mor: co|yeah cm|cm v|bubble-3S .
%adu: $EXA:bubble $FRO $ADD:cm $EXPAN $MADD:-3S $DIST = 1 $REP = 0.50

*CHI:     toy .
%mor: n|toy .
*MOT:   toys , yeah .
%mor: n|toy-PL cm|cm co|yeah .
%adu: $FRO $EXA:toy $ADD:cm $EXPAN $MADD:-PL $DIST = 1 $REP = 0.50


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