ANN: chibi-scheme release 0.9 "fluorine"

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Alex Shinn

Jul 31, 2020, 8:39:46 PM7/31/20
I'm pleased to announce version 0.9 of chibi-scheme, "fluorine"
(not responsible for the fluoridation of Larceny's water).

This release includes complete builtin support for the Tangerine
Edition of the R7RS large language.  With the ambitious scope
of R7RS large, it's unlikely further editions will continue to have
builtin support, and will instead rely on external repositories like

A new compile-time option can enable O(1) string-ref using
an offset lookup table.  It is disabled by default because it's
still slower than string cursors, and has some small additional
overhead in memory, I/O and the FFI.

Other notable changes include:

  * A novel syntax-case implementation built on ER macros
    by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen.
  * Improved Windows support by Yuki Okumura, and BSD support
    thanks to Kris Katterjon, Andrew Gwozdziewycz, and Taylor Campbell.
  * LIghtweight library aliases.
  * Native SRFI 160 uniform vectors, with FFI and read/write support.
  * A startup option can enable strict string-cursor checks,
    so that cursors can only be used with the string they reference.
  * JSON read/write support, with utilities to read records.
  * Diff highlighting in unit test failures.
  * Updated to Unicode 13.
  * ... plus many new SRFIs, portability improvements, and bugfixes.

Not counting aliases and test packages, Chibi now comes with
over 200 libraries in the base distribution, with many more available

Thanks to everyone else who contributed code, bug reports or


Alex Shinn

Aug 12, 2020, 10:30:10 PM8/12/20
I've just tagged a new minor release with several bug fixes, notably:

  * equal? hash tables had a sporadic bug with string and vector keys
  * the distribution of random numbers with bignum values had gaps
  * minor fixes for SRFI 160 and SRFI 144


Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen

Aug 20, 2020, 6:06:15 AM8/20/20
to chibi-scheme
Alex Shinn schrieb am Samstag, 1. August 2020 um 02:39:46 UTC+2:

Thanks to everyone else who contributed code, bug reports or

And thank you for having invented Chibi-Scheme in the first place and maintaining it so greatly since then!
-- Marc
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