Getting started

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Thomas Eden

Mar 31, 2023, 10:25:34 AM3/31/23
to chianti

I just downloaded the standalone version of CHIANTI, and I tried running the script like so from the IDLDE:

IDL> use_chianti, '/'/Users/thed4993/data1/chianti/'

but it bombs at line 130 as it doesn't know what dir_exist(XUVTOP) means. Is there something I need to do environmentally to make this script aware of such a function?

Tom Eden

Ken Dere

Mar 31, 2023, 1:10:53 PM3/31/23
to chianti
Hi Tom,

one of the first things you need to do is set the environmental variable XUVTOP to point to the top of the database
check out the user guides on


Thomas Eden

Mar 31, 2023, 1:32:40 PM3/31/23
to chianti
Thanks for the reply, Ken. I set the environmental variable XUVTOP

IDL> setenv, 'XUVTOP=/Users/thed4993/data1/chianti/'

and I checked to see if it was successful:

IDL> PRINT, 'Environment variable: ', getenv('XUVTOP')

and it was, so, I then ran

IDL> use_chianti, '/Users/thed4993/data1/chianti/'

And it still bombs at line 130. Here's the error:

% Variable is undefined: DIR_EXIST.
% Execution halted at: USE_CHIANTI       130 /Users/thed4993/data1/chianti/setup/
%                      $MAIN$

Thanks for your help,

Young, Peter R. (GSFC-6710)

Mar 31, 2023, 1:44:02 PM3/31/23

Hi Tom,


Thanks for using CHIANTI. There’s an error in how you called use_chianti, which might be the problem. It should have been:


use_chianti, '/Users/thed4993/data1/chianti/'


Also, please try:


IDL> which,’dir_exist’


as this will indicate if the CHIANTI software is on your IDL path. For example, I get


IDL> which,'dir_exist'



If dir_exist is not found, then please check the instructions for setting up the standalone version. You need to put the following lines in your IDL_STARTUP file:


!PATH = '+/data1/chianti/idl:'+!PATH


use_chianti, '/data1/chianti/dbase'


(where you should insert your own CHIANTI path).


Hope this helps,






From: <> on behalf of Thomas Eden <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, March 31, 2023 at 10:25 AM
To: chianti <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [BULK] Getting started


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