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The Pentagon is LYING about BIO LABS in UKRAINE - Tucker Carlson

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Mar 31, 2022, 2:02:36 PM3/31/22

The Pentagon is lying about bio labs in Ukraine

But when it turns out the people who represent us and "run our
government are LYING TO US and never apologize for it and DOING HORRIFIC
THINGS IN OUR NAMES", then you have to open your mind a little bit at
least assess what other people are saying.

The U.S. Defense Department has a website that contains this media clip
about the opening of a biological research facility in Ukraine in 2010,
quote: "U.S. Senator Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim
Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine this week announcing it
will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bio

"The level-3 biosafety lab will be used to study anthrax, tularemia, and
Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens."

Oh, okay. Then the "National Pulse" dug up 2011 report from the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences that also explain that the Odessa-based
laboratory quote, " ... is responsible for the identification of
especially dangerous biological pathogens."

So what we're doing -- this is not the first time you've heard this
story. We are funding the creation of deadly pathogens, so we can study
them and prevent people from getting infected with them? Maybe? There
are lots of examples of this.

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has a handy webpage explaining that American
and Ukrainian scientists have worked on a whole bunch of different
experiments like this. Some of the projects include work on African
swine fever virus, hemorrhagic fever virus, and various avian
respiratory viruses.

The interesting thing, the telling thing, is that the U.S. Embassy's
website also contains links to factsheets about America's support for
biological research in Ukraine, but all those links are now dead. That's

It's our government, we pay for it. Again, they are there in our name,
in the name of American citizens, but we can no longer read their
webpage? How does that work exactly? They have no right to lie to us.

The webpage is archived thankfully, and the fact sheets show Defense
Department funding to laboratories in Ukraine. So, that looks like
proof. It's not Russian disinformation, it is totally real. Sorry,
"U.S.A. Today," America's newspaper. It's real. You can look it up on
the internet, if you want.

In the face of that evidence, the Pentagon is still lying about it. And
in fact, they are repeating the same unbelievably stupid and now
thoroughly discredited lies the fact checkers have told for weeks now.
Here is the spokesman for the Pentagon, John Kirby today.

Victoria Nuland is now Joe Biden's Undersecretary of State in charge of
Ukraine, and she knows a lot about Ukraine. In 2014 Toria Nuland
engineered a coup in Ukraine in the name of democracy, of course. So she
is the highly informed source about Ukraine.

So she was having this colloquy with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida
during her testimony. And at one point, Rubio took attack that we were
not expecting at all. He asked Nuland if Ukraine had biological weapons.
We never imagined Ukraine would have biological weapons. Why would
Ukraine have bio weapons?

So it seemed like a pretty strange question. But it wasn't half as
shocking as the answer he got. Watch what Toria Nuland said.


SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?

Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact, we are now
quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain
control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can
prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of
Russian forces should they approach.


CARLSON: Does Ukraine have biological weapons? Oh, Ukraine has
biological research facilities. What? You mean secret bio labs like the
secret bio labs Ukraine definitely doesn't have? Ukraine has those? Yes,
it does.

And not only does Ukraine have secret bio labs, Toria Nuland said,
whatever they're doing in those labs is so dangerous and so scary that
she is quote, "quite concerned" that the so-called research material
inside those bio labs might fall into the hands of Russian forces.

I am not trying to use profanity on the air to describe our reaction.
Our jaws dropped. Let's leave it there.

Under oath in an open committee hearing, Toria Nuland just confirmed
that the Russian disinformation they've been telling us for days is a
lie and a conspiracy theory and crazy and immoral to believe, is in
fact, totally and completely true. Whoa.

You don't hear things like that every day in Washington. Talk about a
showstopper and a dozen questions instantly jumped to mind. What exactly
were they doing in these secret Ukrainian bio labs?

Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, it's hardly a hotbed of
biomedical research. We're assuming these weren't pharmaceutical labs,
probably not developing new leukemia drugs.

From your answer, Toria Nuland, we would assume because you all but
said it that there is a military application to this research. They were
working on bio weapons.

Again, your answer suggests that. Why would we fund something like that
in Ukraine? And why didn't you secure the contents of these bio labs
before the Russians arrived as you knew they would? And then why did you
go out of your way to lie to the American public about all of this?

If the quote "research materials" in these labs were to escape somehow,
and you seem very concerned about that, what would be the effect on
Ukraine and then on the rest of the world? How can we prepare for the
consequences of that, this thing that you're worried about? Shouldn't we
be preparing?

Because as it turns out, we've just spent the last two years living with
a pathogen to begin in another foreign bio lab funded by the United
States government secretly. So this question is on our mind, it seems fair.

Now, that's some of what we would have asked if we were U.S. senators,
which we're not, yes, there's a time limit, time limit it be damned,
because this is kind of important.

But Rubio did not ask those questions. Instead, he changed the subject
and told us once again that Vladimir Putin is bad. Watch.


RUBIO: If there's a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack
inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100 percent it
would be the Russians that would be behind it?

NULAND: There is no doubt in my mind, Senator, and it is classic Russian
technique to blame on the other guy, what they're planning to do themselves.


CARLSON: Okay, get a pen. It's a classic Russian technique to blame on
the other guy, what they are planning to do themselves. That's what
Toria Nuland said. We almost laughed out loud.

So what you're saying Toria Nuland? If, for example, you were funding
secret bio labs in Ukraine, but wanted to hide that fact from the people
who are paying for it, in whose name you're doing it, then you might lie
about it by claiming the Russians were lying about it. In other words,
you might mount a disinformation campaign by claiming the other guy was
mounting a disinformation campaign.

Is that what you're saying, Toria Nuland?

It's pretty funny. What's not funny is that this is all entirely real.


Mar 31, 2022, 4:00:19 PM3/31/22
On 3/31/2022 11:24 AM, Andrew Smith wrote:
> On Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:02:36 AM UTC-7, FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer wrote:
> 'How the right embraced Russian disinformation about ‘U.S. bioweapons labs’ in Ukraine'
> 'The Russian claims about Ukrainian labs bear the earmarks of the Soviet Union’s long-running campaign of false allegations that the United States used biological weapons. The KGB, for instance, in the early 1980s spread false claims that a U.S.-funded research project in Pakistan was sending “killer mosquitoes” into Afghanistan, leading to local outrage that ended the program.'
> 'After the Soviet Union collapsed, former officials admitted the fabrications. But Russian disinformation about biological weapons resumed again in earnest after Vladimir Putin took control in 1999'.

I request ALL cricket fans to NEVER TRUST "ANY" amrikkan media including
FOX News.

Tucker Carlson just "HAPPENED to speak the TRUTH", ONLY in this issue of
AMrikkan Bio-weapon labs in Ukraine.

Look at how VOCIFEROUSLY this cocksucking CIA NSA MI6 MI5 ASIS ASIO
Psychopath "keeps DEFENDING" the pathologically lying, cunning,
sadistic, perverted, blood thirsty EVIL Amrikkan Govt which MURDERED
more than 20 mil people since WW2, one way or the other.

Govt CIA n NSA Psychopaths.

The Pentagon is LYING about bio labs in Ukraine
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