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Crawford Sausage Company

Jun 28, 2016, 1:12:17 PM6/28/16
I ran across some hot Lebanese reporter
on Twitter talking about the recent
suicide bombings in Lebanon which is
notably absent from the Chicago Tribune.
She's Arab wearing a lot of eye makeup and
showing a bit of cleavage which probably
doesn't sit well with some people.

But I digress ... I ended up in my account
on Twitter just reading her tweets and
decided to explore Twitter a bit.

What a bunch of utter nonsense. Not sure
what I could ever get from Twitter other
than read about stuff half way around the
world that used to be in the newspapers.
Instead we get articles on what to expect
in the season finale of Game of Thrones.

Cydrome Leader

Jun 28, 2016, 2:44:38 PM6/28/16
cool story, bro.


Jun 28, 2016, 8:50:02 PM6/28/16
*gets news on an event that is not being covered by the regular
mainstream sources from a thing*

*proceeds to not understand why that thing is useful*

Good Lord, you are but a moron.


Bruce Esquibel

Jun 29, 2016, 8:05:52 AM6/29/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:

> What a bunch of utter nonsense. Not sure
> what I could ever get from Twitter other
> than read about stuff half way around the
> world that used to be in the newspapers.

Well duh.

I'm not one for any of the social app things but did join twitter a few
years ago to follow that arab spring stuff which barely got a mention here
except for a few sound bytes on the national tv news.

Even Al Jazeera (which I guess doesn't exist in the u.s. anymore) didn't
have all that much, probably due to "don't bite the hand that feed you" kind
of logic with over throwing arab governments.

The thing with Twitter which seems more logical to me would be if you could
subscribe or "follow" a hash tag rather than having to search for it.

Most people who post on Twitter seem to fall into that trap where they need
to unload about the dog barking next door, pictures of crap they are eating,
getting cut off in traffic.

I mean if I wanted to follow #TittyTuesday, there should be some way for
those with that hashtag to just come up in the feed rather than having to
switch back and forth between the home and search areas. Either that or it's
something I've been missing for years on how to do it.

The thing is with Twitter recently is they are having problem keeping
subscribers and gaining traction. Some of the other services like Vine and
Instagram are more popular from some news stories. One thing to me about
that is they keep fucking up the apps for it.

The one for the mac running osx is still a fairly stoneage "it just does the
basics" kind of thing but the ones for the iPhone and iPad are really
getting annoying recently with the changes they keep trying to cram in.

Way too much fucking advertising now with the "sponsored tweet" and other
crap like "while you were away" which is supposed to be able to be turned
off (doesn't work) makes it difficult to get to the real current time line.

What I'm saying is, if they would just leave the fucking thing alone and
work like the original intentions of it, people wouldn't be flocking away.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jun 29, 2016, 9:40:09 PM6/29/16
On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 7:05:52 AM UTC-5, Bruce Esquibel wrote:
> Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> > What a bunch of utter nonsense. Not sure
> > what I could ever get from Twitter other
> > than read about stuff half way around the
> > world that used to be in the newspapers.
> Well duh.
> I'm not one for any of the social app things but did join twitter a few
> years ago to follow that arab spring stuff which barely got a mention here
> except for a few sound bytes on the national tv news.
> Even Al Jazeera (which I guess doesn't exist in the u.s. anymore) didn't
> have all that much, probably due to "don't bite the hand that feed you" kind
> of logic with over throwing arab governments.
> The thing with Twitter which seems more logical to me would be if you could
> subscribe or "follow" a hash tag rather than having to search for it.
> Most people who post on Twitter seem to fall into that trap where they need
> to unload about the dog barking next door, pictures of crap they are eating,
> getting cut off in traffic.
> I mean if I wanted to follow #TittyTuesday, there should be some way for
> those with that hashtag to just come up in the feed rather than having to
> switch back and forth between the home and search areas. Either that or it's
> something I've been missing for years on how to do it.

I couldn't even find the mundane crap. I searched for my neighborhood
and up cam a bunch of stuff but none of it was current. I searched for
cubs and I got some feed with a bunch
of know nothing sports reporters and press releases which is not why
I'm on Twitter. I actively avoid the newspaper sports section to not have
to read those morons.

Now I'm only following one person, the hot Arab reporter who reports
on all things terrorism and she may be pro-Palestenian so perhaps
I'll end up on some FBI watch list.

> What I'm saying is, if they would just leave the fucking thing alone and
> work like the original intentions of it, people wouldn't be flocking away.

Polishing the turd is the main problem with the tech sector. When something
works people can't just leave it alone because they'd be out of a job
so they make things "better" and keep you on their upgrade train.

> -bruce

Bruce Esquibel

Jun 30, 2016, 7:51:44 AM6/30/16
I really don't think that's it though.

To me the problem is these companies like Twitter get insane evaluations and
at some point realize they need to start earning their keep.

I'm probably off on the numbers but I think 3 or 4 years ago their
evaluation was something like 50 billion dollars, which is a lot of
billions. Recently they were downgraded to like 10 billion, but that's still
like 9 billion more than I'd give them credit for.

The reason for the downturn? They seem to be stuck at like 150 million
people using it.

I'd guess the original eval was based on current growth back then, adding in
like 10-15 million new users a month. That stagnated so it seems to me they
are in a panic mode, trying to make money since the darling of the tech
world hit a plateau and just isn't going to see the growth everyone

To me, most of these changes they are putting in recently is starting to
annoy those 150 million regular users and I'd expect somewhere in the near
future you'll see more stories on how the users are starting to drop in

Anyway I would worry about making an FBI watchlist just for following the
news chick, you can follow them, and the CIA if you want, even Edward
Snowden for the alternate view of things.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 1, 2016, 4:35:31 PM7/1/16
On Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 6:51:44 AM UTC-5, Bruce Esquibel wrote:

> The reason for the downturn? They seem to be stuck at like 150 million
> people using it.


"In the U.S. — typically social media’s most lucrative market —
Instagram use was down 36.2 percent, Twitter was down 27.9 percent,
Snapchat was down 19.2 percent and Facebook fell 6.7 percent"

> Anyway I would worry about making an FBI watchlist just for following the
> news chick, you can follow them, and the CIA if you want, even Edward
> Snowden for the alternate view of things.

I followed the Lebanese babe and one other entity and now Twitter
found people I actually know. This is the kind of creepy
that made me leave Myspace many moons ago.


Jul 5, 2016, 4:52:41 PM7/5/16
In article <>,
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
>I ran across some hot Lebanese reporter
>on Twitter talking about the recent
>suicide bombings in Lebanon which is

I use it solely to follow specific people, like Stephen Fry and
Jeremy Clarkson....


Ken R. Dye an optimist is a guy |
Chicago, Illinois that has never had | much experience |
dye1146 at g mail dot com archy |

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 8, 2016, 7:27:31 PM7/8/16
On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 3:52:41 PM UTC-5, dye wrote:
> In article <>,
> Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> >I ran across some hot Lebanese reporter
> >on Twitter talking about the recent
> >suicide bombings in Lebanon which is
> I use it solely to follow specific people, like Stephen Fry and
> Jeremy Clarkson....

I now follow the hot Lebanese reporter babe who is probably some
fat, balding, middle aged Arab (who looks like smr) tweeting
from Beirut, Joe Walsh
(not the guitar player), Donald Trump, and some very smart
counterintelligence guy with 35+ years experience and who wrote
three books that each cost more than $70 to buy.
Although the counterintelligence guy has had
a lot of interesting insight into what's going on now and he
contrasts nicely with Joe Walsh's complete and utter stupidity,
he retweets too much.

After all this hoopla dies down I can't see a reason to continue.

Bruce Esquibel

Jul 9, 2016, 7:39:48 AM7/9/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:

> After all this hoopla dies down I can't see a reason to continue.

If you want an occasional chuckle try following


Scholar. Athlete. God-king of the greatest nation on earth.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 9, 2016, 9:37:10 PM7/9/16
Haha. That's my 6th account I'm following.

Somehow I ended up at #whitegenocide from I think a Joe Walsh
retweet but I forget. Oh my fucking God. If the FBI is making
a list and (hopefully) checking it twice I'm sure to be on that
list now.

The Lebanese babe posted some innocent pictures of Beirut
and Twitter had them blocked for being inappropriate content.
When I unblocked I expected to see someone's head getting
chopped off but it was just travel shots. Weird.

Bruce Esquibel

Jul 10, 2016, 8:10:03 AM7/10/16
It's pretty obvious that there is a lot of automated routines on twitter, I
don't remember the number but someone figured out per second, there is an
average of a million tweets being posted. Whatever the correct number is,
it's far beyond a staff keeping an eye on things.

Every tweet you see, it may not be in front of your face but there is an
icon or keystroke to "report" the tweet, which "inappropriate content" is
one of the options.

It's possible your gal pal reporter has distractors following her and who
knows, maybe as few as 5 or 6 reporting the tweet can get that
"inappropriate content" on it.

There is censorship on there that is never explained. One guy I was
following who was one of those hacker/freedom of speech type (a dime a dozen
these days), someone noticed his stuff disappearing. If you followed him,
like between 12pm and 6 pm, he sent out like 12 tweets.

If you did a search for him (@username), between that same time period it
only shows 8. The four that disappeared, just disappered. Comparing the two
timelines, there just didn't seem to be anything in the 4 that one would
think they needed to be deleted. At first you think it's just a glitch but
it was occuring several times a week on his account, consistantly.

There was another joke account I was following, was even like @jokeoftheday
or similar, not dirty ones, more bawdy or off-color but for some reason they
started sending shit out like "no joke - click here for coupons on tide

I've seen those disappear right in front of my face. No longer exist in my
history/home/timeline thing or if you searched for them either. No trace of
it ever being posted.

One other thing I read about, twitter does monitor that exim info on
pictures being posted, if the data exists. It's possible they have the
"inappropriate content" automatically being applied if its coming from an
area known to be a battlezone or filled with terrorists.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 11, 2016, 12:35:01 AM7/11/16
On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 7:10:03 AM UTC-5, Bruce Esquibel wrote:

> One other thing I read about, twitter does monitor that exim info on
> pictures being posted, if the data exists. It's possible they have the
> "inappropriate content" automatically being applied if its coming from an
> area known to be a battlezone or filled with terrorists.

Ironically that's her entire purpose for posting normal touristy
shots of various parts of Beirut because, as she labels some
of them, they are known to the world as Hezbolla strongholds.
They're just shots like you would see in any tourist trap
anywhere in the world. The pics make me want to visit
other than the risk of getting my head chopped off after
discovering the hot Lebanese babe on Twitter is actually an
ISIS (or do you say ISIL) agent.

Geoff Gass

Jul 11, 2016, 9:30:01 AM7/11/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> Ironically that's her entire purpose for posting normal touristy
> shots of various parts of Beirut because, as she labels some
> of them, they are known to the world as Hezbolla strongholds.
> They're just shots like you would see in any tourist trap
> anywhere in the world. The pics make me want to visit
> other than the risk of getting my head chopped off after
> discovering the hot Lebanese babe on Twitter is actually an
> ISIS (or do you say ISIL) agent.

look, I know it's even neighboring countries, but your grasp of world politics
isn't exactly enlightened.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 11, 2016, 12:35:34 PM7/11/16
I'm just repeating what she said in her tweets dingbat.

You don't think you can get easily kidnapped in places
like Beirut? I suspect your white ass won't travel past
places like France and Germany.


Jul 11, 2016, 8:00:01 PM7/11/16
I'd tell you to do the math of # of western whites who've traveled to
Lebanon since the Civil Wars started vs. # kidnapped, but your previous
posts show that that kinda advanced mathematics is far beyond you.

And, before you get all shitty with me: yes, I've been to Lebanon. And
other places in that region that provincial dopes like you think are
full of burqas and terror alone.

Since you're throwing shade at others about it; where the fuck YOU been
aside from America? Something tells me that, with your abysmal coping
skills, fuckin' NW Indiana would freak you out.


Geoff Gass

Jul 12, 2016, 10:40:01 AM7/12/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> On Monday, July 11, 2016 at 8:30:01 AM UTC-5, Geoff Gass wrote:
>> Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
>> > Ironically that's her entire purpose for posting normal touristy
>> > shots of various parts of Beirut because, as she labels some
>> > of them, they are known to the world as Hezbolla strongholds.
>> > They're just shots like you would see in any tourist trap
>> > anywhere in the world. The pics make me want to visit
>> > other than the risk of getting my head chopped off after
>> > discovering the hot Lebanese babe on Twitter is actually an
>> > ISIS (or do you say ISIL) agent.
>> look, I know it's even neighboring countries, but your grasp of world politics
>> isn't exactly enlightened.
> I'm just repeating what she said in her tweets dingbat.

no, you jumped from that to her being an ISIS agent. If you'd have said
Hezbollah, you wouldn't sound like a moron.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 1:19:54 PM7/12/16
If you would have read what I wrote instead of assuming
what I wrote you wouldn't behave like a moron.

I posited *if* she was an ISIS agent. I have no clue who this woman
is other than her picture showing cleavage and her beautiful eyes.
This kind of dress for a woman would get her head chopped off by ISIS.
She posts nothing but anti-ISIS rhetoric on her Twitter. That does
not mean she can't be an agent working for ISIS, perhaps as a seductress
luring horny infidels to Beirut through her obscene beauty. Once
infidels meet her off with their heads! Another victory for Allah.

But the worldly Gass knows a thing or two about the Middle East
and since Beirut isn't an ISIS stronghold no ISIS agents can
exist there.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 1:22:54 PM7/12/16
Taking a Carnival cruise and porting in Lebanon to shop for
trinkets doesn't count as actually being in Lebanon.


Jul 12, 2016, 1:40:01 PM7/12/16
Studious avoidance of answering if you've ever left the state, much less
the country, noted.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 2:21:06 PM7/12/16
I'm not going to post where I've been here because it's
irrelevant and none of anyone's biz wax.


Jul 12, 2016, 3:40:01 PM7/12/16
It becomes relevant when you start questioning other people's knowledge
based on the same factor, fuckface.


Geoff Gass

Jul 12, 2016, 4:10:02 PM7/12/16
I may not have been there, but it's abundantly clear that I'm much better
informed than you are about the place unless you're going to actually stop
being a bitch and post when you were last there, which is quite clearly never.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 4:48:03 PM7/12/16
How can you even remotely determine how informed or uninformed I may
be based upon this thread? Based upon my observations of you, you
make a lot of uninformed assumptions all the time throwing threads
into mindless tangents worse than Kerman. Uninformed
assumptions are the foundation of ignorance. Perhaps family life has
settled you in to not thinking much more than eat, sleep, poop, and
fear for your safety at all times. You wouldn't be the first to
have this happen to them. My entire neighborhood is infested with
people like you now.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 4:50:53 PM7/12/16
You don't need to actually visit someplace to learn about it.
They have these things called books and newspapers. You
should read one. It might make you a bit less of a jagoff.

Geoff Gass

Jul 12, 2016, 6:30:01 PM7/12/16
tf? fear for my safety?


Jul 12, 2016, 8:50:02 PM7/12/16
Hahahahahha sure, the Trib is gonna give you a honest sense of what it's
like to be in a street market in Beirut or a mosque in Jerusalem.

Okay, bud. Figure out what foods to give the homeless near your dump or
you still fuckin' vapor-locked on that quadratic equation?



Jul 12, 2016, 8:50:02 PM7/12/16
Your entire posting history is a monument to your ignorance on every
topic you've ever posted on. You're pure shit at feeding animals,
feeding the homeless, feeding yourself, running a network, grocery
shopping, socializing on any level, reading logs, doing math, performing
an experiment... just a fucking testament to failure that should go into
The Failure Hall of Fame alongside the Chicago Cubs and American Foreign
Policy 1945-Present.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 10:50:07 PM7/12/16
On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 7:50:02 PM UTC-5, smr wrote:

> Hahahahahha sure, the Trib is gonna give you a honest sense of what it's
> like to be in a street market in Beirut or a mosque in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is in Israel you moron. Didn't your Carnival cruise line
tell you that? This thread is about Lebanon. Are you that ignorant?!!!
You've been to a street market in a foreign country filled with
dirty brown people? How adventurous of you! When can we read
memoirs of your excursions into the wild?

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 12, 2016, 11:03:43 PM7/12/16
On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 5:30:01 PM UTC-5, Geoff Gass wrote:

> tf? fear for my safety?

Safety is a big issue with my new neighbors. They recently
got together to patrol the neighborhood
like back in the day when you would get picked to be a
patrol boy. My neighbors doing this are sober as a judges
so you can't blame it on a bunch of brainstorming
over wine and shots. That is where this nation is heading.
Land of the cowards, home of the frightened.

Can't even go to a baseball game anymore without sacrificing
your dignity at the door for an illusion of safety.
Be safe is the new goodbye to these people.


Jul 13, 2016, 12:40:01 AM7/13/16

Geoff Gass

Jul 13, 2016, 9:40:01 AM7/13/16
smr <> wrote:
> The Failure Hall of Fame alongside the Chicago Cubs and American Foreign
> Policy 1945-Present.

hey now, it's our year! (well, except for that collapse the last 3 weeks)

Geoff Gass

Jul 13, 2016, 9:40:02 AM7/13/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 5:30:01 PM UTC-5, Geoff Gass wrote:
>> tf? fear for my safety?
> Safety is a big issue with my new neighbors.

and why are you projecting this on me?

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 13, 2016, 12:02:36 PM7/13/16
I'm stereotyping you because I'm racist #bluelivesmatter

Mo. You're the racist for calling me a racist.

Geoff Gass

Jul 13, 2016, 5:40:02 PM7/13/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 8:40:02 AM UTC-5, Geoff Gass wrote:
>> Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
>> > On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 5:30:01 PM UTC-5, Geoff Gass wrote:
>> >> tf? fear for my safety?
>> >
>> > Safety is a big issue with my new neighbors.
>> and why are you projecting this on me?
> I'm stereotyping you because I'm racist #bluelivesmatter
> Mo. You're the racist for calling me a racist.

ah, I see, the usual anderson debating skill

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 13, 2016, 6:27:32 PM7/13/16
At least you didn't claim Jerusalem was in Lebanon. TIL!


Jul 13, 2016, 8:10:01 PM7/13/16
This thread shifted to be about every place you've never been to, so I
could've mentioned Beirut, Jerusalem, Hammond, IN, a house full of
people who love you... the list is near endless.

But seriously; what did you end up buying the homeless? Or was that all
look-at-me performative art with no actual utility, like every other
damned thing you've ever done in your life?



Jul 13, 2016, 8:10:01 PM7/13/16
I think a lil' regression to the mean is gonna have some fun with the
Cubs in the second half... (at least, I'm hoping it does, says the sox fan).


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 13, 2016, 9:36:08 PM7/13/16
On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:10:01 PM UTC-5, smr wrote:

> This thread shifted to be about every place you've never been to, so I
> could've mentioned Beirut, Jerusalem, Hammond, IN, a house full of
> people who love you... the list is near endless.

Taking a Carnival cruise and visiting ethnic "marketplaces" to buy
tourist trinkets is not being a world traveler. The world is a big
place and there's tons of places I haven't been but there's one
thing for sure, I'll never sit on a ship with a bunch of fat
lazy ugly Americans who think they're all of a sudden cultured
because their floating condominium building docked in some foreign port.

> But seriously; what did you end up buying the homeless? Or was that all
> look-at-me performative art with no actual utility, like every other
> damned thing you've ever done in your life?

None of you people know anything about me so how could even make
that statement? I'm planning my shopping trek hopefully Friday
so I'll report back how it went.

Geoff Gass

Jul 13, 2016, 11:30:01 PM7/13/16
check the last 3 weeks, man, regression is already afoot


Jul 15, 2016, 11:00:01 AM7/15/16
On 7/13/2016 10:28 PM, Geoff Gass wrote:
> smr <> wrote:
>> On 7/13/2016 8:35 AM, Geoff Gass wrote:
>>> smr <> wrote:
>>>> The Failure Hall of Fame alongside the Chicago Cubs and American Foreign
>>>> Policy 1945-Present.
>>> hey now, it's our year! (well, except for that collapse the last 3 weeks)
>> I think a lil' regression to the mean is gonna have some fun with the
>> Cubs in the second half... (at least, I'm hoping it does, says the sox fan).
> check the last 3 weeks, man, regression is already afoot

I know, but I need it to continue. I'm not comfortable when the Cubs are
sporting a winning record.



Jul 15, 2016, 11:00:01 AM7/15/16
On 7/13/2016 8:36 PM, Crawford Sausage Company wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:10:01 PM UTC-5, smr wrote:
>> This thread shifted to be about every place you've never been to, so I
>> could've mentioned Beirut, Jerusalem, Hammond, IN, a house full of
>> people who love you... the list is near endless.
> Taking a Carnival cruise and visiting ethnic "marketplaces" to buy
> tourist trinkets is not being a world traveler. The world is a big
> place and there's tons of places I haven't been but there's one
> thing for sure, I'll never sit on a ship with a bunch of fat
> lazy ugly Americans who think they're all of a sudden cultured
> because their floating condominium building docked in some foreign port.

Just because you keep imagining that this is something that I've done
doesn't make it something that I've done, you fuckin' whackadoo.

>> But seriously; what did you end up buying the homeless? Or was that all
>> look-at-me performative art with no actual utility, like every other
>> damned thing you've ever done in your life?
> None of you people know anything about me so how could even make
> that statement? I'm planning my shopping trek hopefully Friday
> so I'll report back how it went.

HHAHAHAAHHAAHA _WEEKS_ later and you still haven't done shit. Good Lord,
what a failure.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 15, 2016, 2:17:49 PM7/15/16
On Friday, July 15, 2016 at 10:00:01 AM UTC-5, smr wrote:

> > None of you people know anything about me so how could even make
> > that statement? I'm planning my shopping trek hopefully Friday
> > so I'll report back how it went.
> HHAHAHAAHHAAHA _WEEKS_ later and you still haven't done shit. Good Lord,
> what a failure.

It's a 17 block walk. I had planned to do it once a month and the
month is almost up and my rations are low requiring me to spend
2x for some stuff at the local boutique grocery store where all
my neighbors waste their money and say how wonderful it is. Had
to pay $2 for a loaf of shitty Bimbo bread when I could get a
better loaf for $0.80 at Aldis. They had fucking plain ass bagels
for $4.50. Jesus Fucking Christ. I bet there are people buying that
complaining about the extra 0.5% sales tax charged by Cook County.

If the homeless thing works out I may make the trek every other
week. There are some things you take for granted when having
a car. Not being able to easily shop is one of the downsides.

Geoff Gass

Jul 15, 2016, 2:20:01 PM7/15/16
I know the allstar game doesn't really count for shit, but it was fun seeing
Bryant take Sale deep


Jul 15, 2016, 6:40:01 PM7/15/16
Well, it counts at least in the sense that, if the scrubs manage to make
the World Series, they won't have home field advantage.


barbie gee

Jul 15, 2016, 6:50:02 PM7/15/16

On Fri, 15 Jul 2016, barbie gee wrote:
> why the hell don't you ride a bike?
> There are cargo bikes, there are baskets and panniers and stuff, you could
> lug your groceries that way.
> Sheeze.
> Or take the bus.

or even get yourself a "Moped" from the "Moped" store, right next to Red
Hot Ranch over on Western...

barbie gee

Jul 15, 2016, 6:50:02 PM7/15/16

On Fri, 15 Jul 2016, Crawford Sausage Company wrote:

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 15, 2016, 8:27:52 PM7/15/16
You can't carry 3 15 gallon heavy crates filled with groceries on
a moped. I don't like bikes because you have to lock them up and
I would need a pedicab to carry what I carry on my hand cart.

With all the crazies driving walking is much safer. It takes
more time but it is good exercise. People in my hood run around
in circles accomplishing nothing with their exercise routine. At
least I accomplish something. I'm already three months in on
a new pair of hiking shoes and the tread is getting down
to the bottom. They should make a shoe that you can replace
treads like you can replace tires on a car.

Bruce Esquibel

Jul 16, 2016, 6:43:51 AM7/16/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:

> You can't carry 3 15 gallon heavy crates filled with groceries on
> a moped. I don't like bikes because you have to lock them up and
> I would need a pedicab to carry what I carry on my hand cart.

And what the fuck you going to do with 2 feet of snow on the ground or have
a stretch of sub zero weather?

I dunno why you gave up driving a car but shit mobiles like the Smart can
be had used for under $6K (some at 5K) for a 3-4 year old model with
under 50K of milage on them.

Cheap to operate and cheap to insure.

The passenger seat and floor must have enough room for your 3 milk crates.

I mean what, it's like $200 a year for plates and city sticker, at your age
minimum liability insurance can't be more than $400 a year, that's like $50
a month.

I'd rather be ridiculed for owning a Smart than be pulling a cart with 3
milk crates for 2 miles.



barbie gee

Jul 16, 2016, 11:20:01 AM7/16/16
feet are great until their not;
bunions, corns, plantar fasciitis, fallen arches, hammertoes and various
other maladies could put a damper on your weekly volksmarches.


Jul 16, 2016, 1:00:01 PM7/16/16
Or, I dunno, he could think "hmmm, if I want to live a car-less life,
maybe I shouldn't live 17 blocks from my preferred grocery store". But
that kind of logic seems to escape Anderson on the reg.


Geoff Gass

Jul 16, 2016, 1:30:01 PM7/16/16
he did live much closer to the Aldi on Milwaukee that got knocked down.
there's going to be a new one in the new building, but in the meantime, he's
walking to the one at Clybourn/Wrightwood. there are likely transit options,
but anderson is probably too scared

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 16, 2016, 2:35:38 PM7/16/16
Scared? When was the last time you took a bus? There is no way I could
get a fully loaded cart onto a bus. My Aldis will return next Spring.
They just rehabbed that Aldis when I got rid of my car.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 16, 2016, 2:42:54 PM7/16/16
I'm not vain like an smr so I don't care what my neighbors think.
I don't want to deal with a car or driving it. If you do the math
even your plan is far more expensive than if I simply shopped
Mariano's until next Spring and paid the
I-don't_know-what-anything-should-cost prices.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 16, 2016, 2:46:12 PM7/16/16
You seem to enjoy talking about aches and pains.

Geoff Gass

Jul 16, 2016, 3:30:01 PM7/16/16


Jul 17, 2016, 2:13:37 AM7/17/16
What was that saying Kenji had?

Oh yeah.

Throwing nickels around like manhole covers.


Jul 17, 2016, 2:25:09 AM7/17/16
And you talking about your daily slog to be as cheap as possible is
somehow different?

Bruce Esquibel

Jul 17, 2016, 8:35:14 AM7/17/16
Well that's fine if you are centering your life around this pilgrimages to
Aldi, but what about anything else?

You giving up on that rooftop garden, aren't going to need bags of soil or
fertizilers, mulch or whatever?

Never a need anymore for some 2x4's around the house?

I can see swinging dick bachelor's or old farts that can't get out of bed
anymore not needing personal transportation but there are few exceptions
between those two.


Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 17, 2016, 1:25:13 PM7/17/16
On Sunday, July 17, 2016 at 7:35:14 AM UTC-5, Bruce Esquibel wrote:
> Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> > I'm not vain like an smr so I don't care what my neighbors think.
> > I don't want to deal with a car or driving it. If you do the math
> > even your plan is far more expensive than if I simply shopped
> > Mariano's until next Spring and paid the
> > I-don't_know-what-anything-should-cost prices.
> Well that's fine if you are centering your life around this pilgrimages to
> Aldi, but what about anything else?
> You giving up on that rooftop garden, aren't going to need bags of soil or
> fertizilers, mulch or whatever?
> Never a need anymore for some 2x4's around the house?

I don't do much rehab by myself anymore and keep a stash of
wood around to last awhile for pet projects. The garden
does take more planning as I do all Spring shopping in one
trip and a neighbor takes me in his truck. I can walk
to Home Depot and carry a lot of stuff back but wood
and bags of pine bark fines are too difficult.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 17, 2016, 1:39:12 PM7/17/16
Kenji didn't make that up. I think Royko used to say that IIRC.

There used to be a saying a penny saved is a penny earned.
That was back when a penny was worth something. In today's
grocery shopping experience a dollar saved is a dollar earned.
Almost every item I get at Aldis costs at least a dollar
less than Mariano's. The $140 cart of groceries I got a
month ago would cost well over $280 at Mariano's -- easily.

The $140 saved buys a lot of beer at the local pub. Also
the money I save not having a car each year is in the
multi thousands. Thousands saved is thousands earned.

I realize most of you posting here are independently
wealthy entrepreneurs where money is no object and
only the best will do. You may look down upon us
who inhabit the poor huddled masses and your poop
may smell better from all the high quality grocery
you eat but in the end none of this matters. We
all end up in a grave some time in the future.

Bruce Esquibel

Jul 18, 2016, 6:54:38 AM7/18/16
Ha, that's where you are so wrong.

My shit stinks as bad as anyone elses, matter of fact, saturday morning I
had such a nasty dump, I had to have the live-in housekeeper close some
doors and run the ceiling fans until breakfast was served.

Where you want to shop, I don't care. It's how you are doing it that seems
so 1940's. The only people I see with those 2 wheel shopping carts wandering
around are the can collectors in the alley. And they never seem to be there
long enough for the cops to do their jobs. That is theft, isn't it?

Anyway, I have to run, forgot to plug in the Tesla last night and me and
Melissa want to get in 9 holes before the spa this afternoon. Big night
tonight for an RNC fundraiser. Just couldn't get out to Cleveland this week,
too busy.


Cydrome Leader

Jul 18, 2016, 11:50:52 AM7/18/16
Here's a wild idea. Buy less shit in each trip. There's no reason to hoard
the stuff from aldis.

Cydrome Leader

Jul 18, 2016, 1:34:02 PM7/18/16

Cydrome Leader

Jul 18, 2016, 1:36:23 PM7/18/16
His whining is different as he creates all his own problems.


Jul 18, 2016, 3:10:15 PM7/18/16


Jul 18, 2016, 3:10:41 PM7/18/16
There is that. Echo chamber and whatnot.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 18, 2016, 3:36:16 PM7/18/16
On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 10:50:52 AM UTC-5, Cydrome Leader wrote:

> Here's a wild idea. Buy less shit in each trip. There's no reason to hoard
> the stuff from aldis.

You must not have been very good at math. The cost of each trip
is a 17 block walk. The more that can be hauled in each trip means
the less trips that need to be made. And you want to be my
shipping coordinator?

I realize most people here are too lazy to walk more than
a block and will probably drive your gas guzzlers until you're
too old to see and end up running a bunch of young TOD people, who
forsaked their cars for a pedestrian lifestyle,
over because the two block walk to the 7-11 is too far because
your legs are too weak from sitting all your life. Oh once
in awhile you go to the gym and run in a wheel like a hamster
and then wonder why you're still gaining weight and your
cholesterol is so high. Keep driving and taking Lipitor.
Big Pharma loves you people.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 18, 2016, 3:45:47 PM7/18/16
Since you were developing the Intertubes before Zuckerberg was in
short pants I expected you to have separate servant quarters with
a butler and an under butler. You should have also learned from
discussions here that proper ventilation is a must because pillows
and couches absorb all odors meaning if the smell of your poop
radiates throughout your house it will never leave your house
This is why every house smells
differently because everyone's poop has a different smell.
If you have a bunch of people living in that house the combined
smell of all their bowels will become your house's signature
smell. I'm sure Zuckerberg has bathrooms with completely separate
ventilation systems in all his mansions.


Jul 18, 2016, 4:30:02 PM7/18/16
You project more than a movie theater.


Cydrome Leader

Jul 18, 2016, 4:58:27 PM7/18/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 10:50:52 AM UTC-5, Cydrome Leader wrote:
>> Here's a wild idea. Buy less shit in each trip. There's no reason to hoard
>> the stuff from aldis.
> You must not have been very good at math. The cost of each trip
> is a 17 block walk. The more that can be hauled in each trip means
> the less trips that need to be made. And you want to be my
> shipping coordinator?

You're not very good at life. You said your packed full of goodness
homeless cart won't fit on a bus. Take more trips on the bus with less
stuff. I'm also going to call bullshit on you dragging any cart with three
15 gallon containers anything on it. Anybody that whines about "17 block
walks" is a fucking drama queen and too weak to even haul half of what you
claim you do. Plus, you'd probably get lost and never find your way back
to feed your rats.

> I realize most people here are too lazy to walk more than

You're the lazy one, unless it comes to bitching and moaning. Still
pondering what foods to share with your homeless pals? Think hard about
this, you'll be living with them pretty soon and best not have any bad
blood with them.

> a block and will probably drive your gas guzzlers until you're
> too old to see and end up running a bunch of young TOD people, who
> forsaked their cars for a pedestrian lifestyle,
> over because the two block walk to the 7-11 is too far because
> your legs are too weak from sitting all your life. Oh once
> in awhile you go to the gym and run in a wheel like a hamster
> and then wonder why you're still gaining weight and your
> cholesterol is so high. Keep driving and taking Lipitor.
> Big Pharma loves you people.

I'm sure your monthly, sorry I mean 31 day (you like to inflate numbers to
sound important or just extra whiney) trip to aldi is for nothing but the
healthiest of canned foods.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 18, 2016, 10:34:40 PM7/18/16
On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 3:58:27 PM UTC-5, Cydrome Leader wrote:

> You're not very good at life. You said your packed full of goodness
> homeless cart won't fit on a bus. Take more trips on the bus with less
> stuff. I'm also going to call bullshit on you dragging any cart with three
> 15 gallon containers anything on it. Anybody that whines about "17 block
> walks" is a fucking drama queen and too weak to even haul half of what you
> claim you do. Plus, you'd probably get lost and never find your way back
> to feed your rats.

I already acknowledged that you and your ilk are my bettors
for I am poor. I can't
afford a car or an Iphone or a Coach handbag or even a gym
membership so I can run on a wheel like a hamster. When they tore
down my Aldis, a grocery store for those of us left in this
neighborhood who are poor and impoverished it forced me to walk
by where I may end up soon, under a bridge.
There but for the grace of god go I.

I never whined about my 17 block walk. It's you who whine for me.
They already marked a 2 1/2 lot property behind my place with the
death survey marks which means a 38 foot concrete block McCrapbox
will be going up tearing down 2 more 100+ year old buildings forcing
out other poor neighbors, including a cab driver I have known
for over 20 years. Although I didn't have rats last winter,
I most certainly will have rats this winter and you can not
only make fun of my misfortune in life as you are want to do,
but also that I must live
with rats again. Thank you for you empathy. I'm sure your
soul is perfect and you have earned everything in this life
so your path to enlightenment is just a hop, skip and a jump

> You're the lazy one, unless it comes to bitching and moaning. Still
> pondering what foods to share with your homeless pals? Think hard about
> this, you'll be living with them pretty soon and best not have any bad
> blood with them.

If I get Usenet access while living under a bridge will you bring
me some food kind sir? I like burritos.


Jul 19, 2016, 1:00:02 PM7/19/16
On 2016-07-19, Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
> for I am poor. I can't
> afford a car or an Iphone or a Coach handbag or even a gym
> membership so I can run on a wheel like a hamster. When they tore
> down my Aldis, a grocery store for those of us left in this
> neighborhood who are poor and impoverished it forced me to walk
> by where I may end up soon, under a bridge.
> There but for the grace of god go I.
> I never whined about my 17 block walk. It's you who whine for me.
> They already marked a 2 1/2 lot property behind my place with the
> death survey marks which means a 38 foot concrete block McCrapbox
> will be going up tearing down 2 more 100+ year old buildings forcing
> out other poor neighbors, including a cab driver I have known
> for over 20 years. Although I didn't have rats last winter,
> I most certainly will have rats this winter and you can not
> only make fun of my misfortune in life as you are want to do,
> but also that I must live
> with rats again. Thank you for you empathy. I'm sure your
> soul is perfect and you have earned everything in this life
> so your path to enlightenment is just a hop, skip and a jump
> away.
> If I get Usenet access while living under a bridge will you bring
> me some food kind sir? I like burritos.

Speaking of... you manage to bring any to your soon-to-be viaduct neighbors yet?

Or is five weeks of planning still not quite enough time to untie that particular Gordian knot?



Jul 19, 2016, 5:40:02 PM7/19/16
17 blocks is just shy of 3 miles! You should swipe a shopping cart.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 19, 2016, 6:18:47 PM7/19/16
There are 8 blocks to a mile. The wheels on a shopping cart are for
smooth surfaces and suck on uneven sidewalks and over potholes.
Plus, I still have some dignity.

Cydrome Leader

Jul 19, 2016, 7:39:27 PM7/19/16
Crawford Sausage Company <> wrote:
Cool story. I can't want to hear you recite that one on the train every

>> You're the lazy one, unless it comes to bitching and moaning. Still
>> pondering what foods to share with your homeless pals? Think hard about
>> this, you'll be living with them pretty soon and best not have any bad
>> blood with them.
> If I get Usenet access while living under a bridge will you bring
> me some food kind sir? I like burritos.

Burritos are too salty, plus I've concluded you won't have access to a
microwave or oven. It would be cruel to give you a couple frozen
burritos, so I won't bother.


Jul 19, 2016, 8:30:02 PM7/19/16
Bike lanes, curbside improvements, gutter lane improvements etc. will
get you q long way, which doesn't count the 1000 miles of fresh
sidewalk the MARE is committed to. I'D probably make something out
of a skateborard dnd turn iit into a cargo thing that could go fastt...
get you through the jungle before they even see you.

barbie gee

Jul 19, 2016, 11:40:01 PM7/19/16
I still don't understand why he rejects a cargo bike.
He could carry such a shitload of stuff with it.
something like this, with front load:
some kinda bike w/ trailer thing. I see them alla time on the streets.
It would make everything so much easier for him.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 20, 2016, 12:30:50 AM7/20/16
Most sidewalks currently suck. Even my neighborhood has patches
of bad sidewalk and it gets worse around the Kennedy and Metra
bridges. My hand truck has big air filled tires that go over
anything. No way dinky little castor wheels last more than
a couple trips. My hand truck also has castor wheels and
can be pushed around on 4 wheels. There is no way I can
use it in that configuration outside the store.

Crawford Sausage Company

Jul 20, 2016, 12:40:03 AM7/20/16
That's a good idea but those bikes cost in excess of $1000 which
means they're a target for thieves and need to be locked up well.
I don't want to deal with locking shit up and worrying about
people ripping me off for > $1000 then crying to police who
really don't give a shit about you or anything but their paychecks.
To some people every crime needs to be reported no matter how trivial
so police can put it into their massive crime stopper database
that will one day do cross referencing and provide redemption
to all Everyblock crybabies who dial 911 at every slight.
The police are here to baby sit them and make them feel better
about their misery. We need more baby sitters err police in our
neighborhood they cry. But I digress... I don't want to deal with
bullshit like that. If the bike gets ripped off I'll never
see it and I'll be out $1000. Fuck that!

In 10 months my old Aldis will be back and it will be all brand
new and shiny with hundreds of skinny jean hipsters living
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