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WAYNE MADSEN SPECIAL REPORT. Obama and Emanuel: members of same gay bath house club in Chicago

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May 29, 2010, 6:19:01 PM5/29/10
"It was after WMR began investigating law breaking
by the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA)
that the editor's Arlington, Virginia residential
privacy was at risk. There were at least two entries
into the apartment by federal agents, one that used
a circular device that drilled out the pins from the
lock cylinder and the other, due to the lack of a
spare pass key, using a small gun-like device that
shot through the key lock, opening the door."

********** SPECIAL REPORT **************************

President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are
lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago,
according to informed sources in Chicago's gay community,
as well as veteran political sources in the city.

The bath house, Man's Country, caters to older white men
and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as
one of uptown Chicago's "grand old bathhouses." WMR was told by
sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides
lifetime memberships to paying customers and that the club's
computerized files, and pre-computer paper files, include
membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. However,
sources close to "Man's Country" believe the U.S. Secret Service
has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership
data on Obama and Emanuel.

Members of Man's Country are also issued club identification cards.
WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which
were required for entry.

Obama began frequenting Man's Country in the mid-1990s, during the
time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago
Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996.
Emanuel, reportedly joined Man's Country after he left the Clinton
White House and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the
investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his
membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District
House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.

Man's Country appears to be a "one stop shopping" center for gay men.
The club's website advertises steam rooms, "fantasy rooms," bed
rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.

However, Man's Country was not the only location for Obama's
predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware
that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous
"pick-up basketball" games. It was at these "pick up" matches
where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign
worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias.
Currently running for Obama's old U.S. Senate seat now occupied
by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois
Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago's
Democratic machine.

The Blagojevich trial: "Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes" --
Fitzgerald's US Attorney's Office part of White House
cover-up of gay sex in the Second City

Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his
father's bank, Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006. Broadway Bank
made real estate loans to Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the chief of Rezmar
Corporation. On May 13, 2008, Rezko was found gulty, after being
indicted by a grand jury at the behest of the U.S. Attorney for
Northern Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire
fraud, six counts of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation,
and two counts of money laundering. Rezko has been in solitary
confinement at the Metropolitan Detention Center at Van Buren and
Clark in Chicago since June 2008. However, Rezko has not yet been
officially sentenced to a federal prison. A Syrian-American,
Rezko is considered to be a flight risk, even though his one-time
fortune of $50 million has been reduced to zero.

One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be
a prime witness for Blagojevich's defense. "Figure it this way,
Rezko's been in solitary confinement in the city jail since
June of 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at Blagojevich's
trial as the primary witness, everyone expects him to squeal
like a pig," said the Republican politico.

In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate
"flip" through which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split
an empty lot adjoining a home that Obama bought in Chicago's
Kenwood district. The deal saw Obama buy the home for $1.65
million, which was $300,00 below market value. Obama then
bought a strip of the adjoining property from Mrs. Rezko,
a speculative deal that stood to make Obama a handsome profit.
Since Rezko's conviction, the property has reportedly gone
into bankruptcy. Giannoulias's Broadway Bank was seized by the
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
on April 23, 2010, reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim
Geithner was on his way to Chicago to present the bank with
a bailout check. Geithner quickly changed his plans.

Giannoulias, Broadway's then-senior loan officer, has denied
being involved in the decision to loan money to Rezko.

Last month, Blagojevich's trial judge, U.S. District Court
judge James Zagel, a crony of former Illinois Republican
Governor Jim Thompson, ruled that all 500 hours of phone calls
intercepted and taped by Fitzgerald could not be played during
Blagojevich's trial as demanded by Blagojevich and his defense
lawyers. Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald "show up in court
and explain to everybody . . . why you don't want those tapes
that you made played in court."

WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references to
Obama's and Emanuel's private lives.

WMR attempted to interview Blagojevich's senior defense lawyer
Sam Adam to no avail but other informed sources told us that
the tapes, if played, would highlight the corruption of not
only Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obama's Chicago
"brain trust" but also Fitzgerald himself. WMR was told that
Fitzgerald's tactics have included providing sex and drugs
to imprisoned felons to get them to provide perjured testimony
at federal trials.

It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by
Fitzgerald that former Republican Governor said was used by
state prosecutors when he commuted the death sentences of
Illinois's death row population. Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald
for fraud and he is currently serving out a federal prison sentence.

Blagojevich's trial is scheduled to begin on June 3 and Fitzgerald's
main interest is to keep the trial focused on Blagojevich, especially
after he managed to "flip" Blagojevich's former chief of staff
John Harris to testify against the impeached and ousted governor.
WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harris's
defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was
discovered by the attorney's wife.

Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett,
Obama's longtime friend and current White House policy adviser
who was Obama's top candidate to fill his U.S. Senate seat,
but the young 32-year old "pick up basketball" friend of Obama,
Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer.
However, Obama has avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in
Illinois and there are indications that the president has
"thrown Giannoulias under the bus," according to some
Democratic political circles in Chicago.

Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see
Giannoulias's Obama connections as providing an edge in
his Senate race this year should not celebrate prematurely.
Giannoulias's GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk,
a Naval Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified
as a closeted gay man. Kirk divorced his wife last year after
an eight-year marriage. They had no children.

In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over
the House seat vacated by Obama's Republican Transportation
Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according to Chicago Boy's Town
sources, a habitu of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicago's
gay district. For an extremely young first term member of the
House, observers were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric
Cantor of Virginia named Shock as a Deputy Minority Whip.

Sources in Chicago's gay community report that Obama was
attracted to Man's Country's older white clientele because
he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men.
Obama would regularly be seen at Man's Country on Wednesdays.

Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity.
The sources also confirm the allegations made during the
2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a male escort who revealed
that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack
cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions,
once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star
Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel,
the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.

After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference
at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested
by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant
issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of
Obama's vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden.
Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of
money orders, however, the state of Delaware declined
prosecution. Beau Biden later declined to run for his
father's old Senate seat because of his duties to prosecute
a major pedophilia case involving Lewes, Delaware pediatrician
Dr. Earl Bradley. There are reports that Biden's office helped
to cover up Bradley's activities, including failing to authorize
search warants for Bradley's office and computer.

Chicago's "DLC" -- not the Democratic Leadership Council
but the "Down Low Club" -- a gay matchmaking service

WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported
that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama's former church of 20
years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago's south
side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay
married black professional members of the church, including
lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children.
The matchmaking club was called the "Down Low Club" but references
to it over the phone and email simply referred to the group with
the code phrase "DLC." The ruse, according to our sources, was
to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications
believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership
Council, also known as the DLC.

The gay DLC's services were intended to ensure that TUCC's gay
members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craig's
List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to
protect them from getting busted and being "outed."

Among the members of the gay "DLC" were Obama and TUCC's choir
director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a
sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church
were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally
murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on
November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was
killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on
December 26, 2007, official cause of death: "septicemia, pneumonia,
and HIV."

"DLC" members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright
reportedly was the head of the "DLC" matchmaking services and ensured
that its members protected each other.

The "DLC's" clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC,
including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago
reported that Bland's mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at
her son inviting men into their home as a result of contacting
them through gay web sites like "Adam4Adam," she moved out.

The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC
and "DLC" stories because of the "creepiness" of the operation
and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black men.

Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the
secretiveness of the "DLC," he was not so careful when he proclaimed
he was a state senator while frolicking at Man's Country in uptown

Love: Obama's personal trainer

Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and
unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as
Obama's personal trainer and White House "special assistant" --
he has been called Obama's "body man" -- who receives a salary
of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama's
regular gay sex partners. Love joined Obama's Senate staff
in a senior staff position in 2006.

Media General's tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story
last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship
between her husband and his "body man." The Enquirer's sister
tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about Obama having a
relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera Baker.
WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to
throw off speculation about Obama's actual past sex partners.
Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more
obscurity in Martinique. Media General's tabloids have scooped
the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and
Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and
John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.

WMR's Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of
presidential candidate Obama's activities in Chicago would show
that Obama regularly arrived at Love's Chicago residence at
9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that while
15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise,
it is ample time for fellatio.

Bill Frist, "Brokeback Mountain," and Obama

In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR's
sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were
persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The allegations at the time
seemed unbelievable.

However, based on Obama's penchant for receiving fellatio from older
white men, a column written by The Washington Post's "In the Loop"
columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama's
Senate term, may have expanded relevance. Kamen reported he received
an invitation to attend Frist's "5th Annual VOLPAC '06 Weekend"
in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation card
required one to "unbuckle the cowboy's pants and look inside to see
what this was all about." Kamen opined that the invitation seemed
"a bit too 'Brokeback Mountain.'"

The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature "one-of-a-
kind music and special friends," although Kamen said there was no
indication what made the "friends" so "special." Kamen then wrote,
"The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red
handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute --
wasn't there something about how this used to be some kind of code
in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in
noisy bars? So we checked the's Hanky Codes. Sure
there it was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in
pocket. Oh, dear."

Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became
Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR's
sources in Chicago's gay community revealed that Frist's Majority
Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, was also known
to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said he planned
to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White
and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.

With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why
Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist
later endorsed Obama's health care proposals. A year later, when GOP
Senator Larry Craig was arrested while soliciting for sex in a men's
toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he
changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate seat.
Knowing about his colleagues' behavior, he dug in his heels and
completed his term in January 2009.

Rahm the "Sugar Daddy"

Obama's chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey
Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and, like
has children, in Emanuel's case, a son and two daughters.

However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travels frequently with a male
companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six
years his senior. WMR has learned from Chicago's gay community as
well as political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone
on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in
Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.

In Chicago's gay community, Emanuel is known as "sugar daddy,"
promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they
sleep with him. On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as
his travel companion, but his preference is young, according to WMR's
sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues
to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel "basketball buddy" is a
key to professional success.

WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first
hand knowledge of one of Emanuel's bed partners, an older man who
runs a non-profit symphony organization.

Obama's other sex partners

WMR has previously reported on Obama's past trysts with Alabama
Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary
candidate for governor of Alabama. Although not in the same class,
Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law School during an overlap of
their attendance at the law school.

The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition
researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who
Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was
informed by sources in Alabama that Attorney General Eric Holder
traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis that if he
loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill
the job of U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama,
a position still held by Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of
the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed former Alabama
Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.

Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of
Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.

Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama

Donald Young, TUCC Choir director

Larry Sinclair, gay escort

Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama's "body

Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial

Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader

Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts

The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat

Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff
provide classic blackmail threats. Considering Obama's choice for
the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian,
the question must be posed how much Obama's and Emanuel's own covert
life styles led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with
no experience on a judicial bench.

Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama's and Emanuel's
trysts in Chicago begs another important question. If politicians,
gay community activists, and journalists in the Windy City are aware
of Obama's and Emanuel's highly blackmailable gay life styles, the
same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago's
corporate headquarters -- that of BP America's Production Operations.

Throw in the intelligence agencies of America's allies, friends,
enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger to
the national security of the United States.

Mentifex for stopping the Iraq-Afghanistan wars

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