[Cherokee] Website to Github

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- -

Feb 1, 2013, 5:31:27 AM2/1/13
to cher...@lists.octality.com

sometimes I am wondering about the website-to-github process. I don't fully know what happened.

1) There are two repositories "web" and "cherokee.github.com". What is the difference between them?

2) When I go to http://cherokee.github.com I get redirected to www.cherokee-project.com. How can I see the actual page that is on the github server?

3) Github supports onl static HTML files, is that true? So everything needs to be converted to static HTML?


Stefan de Konink

Feb 1, 2013, 5:40:04 AM2/1/13
to - -, cher...@lists.octality.com
On Fri, 1 Feb 2013, - - wrote:

> 1) There are two repositories "web" and "cherokee.github.com". What is the
> difference between them?

My guess is that there should be a gh-pages as branch somewhere, and the
subdomain thing was an instruction to do so by github.

> 2) When I go to http://cherokee.github.com I get redirected to
> www.cherokee-project.com. How can I see the actual page that is on the
> github server?

When I remove the CNAME you can see so.

> 3) Github supports onl static HTML files, is that true? So everything needs
> to be converted to static HTML?

Exactly, I wouldn't mind if some pages would be converted directly to the
wiki system of github.


Daniel Lo Nigro

Feb 1, 2013, 5:55:31 AM2/1/13
to - -, cher...@lists.octality.com
3) Github supports onl static HTML files, is that true? So everything needs to be converted to static HTML?
It supports Jekyll sites too. Jekyll is basically a static site generator, it applies templates to a set of pages, and also has some blog-like features. See https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages

I've seen some people use Octopress in the past. Octopress is powered by Jekyll and Octopress blogs can be hosted on Github Pages. http://octopress.org/

Cherokee mailing list

Jędrzej Nowak

Feb 1, 2013, 6:07:02 AM2/1/13
to Daniel Lo Nigro, cher...@lists.octality.com

Just don't use octopress, there are many other 'static pages generators' which are a bit better in such cases like: Pelican, Blogofile (blogs...) or even default python sphinx, that can generate quite cool websites from RST files.

Jędrzej Nowak

Stefan de Konink

Feb 1, 2013, 6:19:41 AM2/1/13
to cher...@lists.octality.com
Alvaro will change the DNS asap after our github part is done.


I received some mails that people were actually working on the migration,
stylesheet and images wise. Can we set a feasible goal and targetdate?


Locke Bircher

Feb 1, 2013, 11:02:13 AM2/1/13
to Stefan de Konink, cher...@lists.octality.com
Hey guys,

A friend and I have converted a decent chunk of the site to Jekyll:


It works well. It's a bit tedious because I'm cleaning up the HTML syntax, fixing blatant problems, and trying to remove incorrect/outdated content as I go. Feel free to fork.

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