2024 Scarborough Lecture to be Presented by Dr. Andrew Winston

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Larry Stern

Apr 15, 2024, 10:53:19 AMApr 15
to cheiro...@googlegroups.com
Hi folks, 

Cheiron takes great pleasure in announcing that this year's Elizabeth Scarborough Lecture will be presented at Cheiron's summer conference by Dr. Andrew S. Winston, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada and long-time Cheironian. Following his earlier work on the history of variables, textbooks, and experimentation, Andrew has focused on the history of racism and antisemitism in psychology. Among his recent articles are “Neoliberalsim and IQ: Naturalizing Economic and Racial Inequality,” “‘Jews will not replace us!’: Antisemitism, Interbreeding and Immigration in Historical Context,” “The mythical taboo on race and intelligence” (with John P. Jackson Jr.), and, most recently, "Confronting Scientific Racism in Psychology: Lessons from Evolutionary Biology and Genetics" with ​Kevin A. Bird and John P. Jackson Jr., American Psychologist, in press.
Andrew served as Cheiron's Executive Officer from 2002 to 2008 and was president of the Society for the History of Psychology (Division 26 of the American Psychological Association) in 2012. Moreover, he received a Career Achievement Award from the Society for the History of Psychology in 2019. He currently serves as a Consulting Editor of History of Psychology, American Psychologist, and Review of General Psychology.
The title of Andrew's lecture is “The Entanglement of Scientific Racism and Organized Antisemitism in the Career of Roger Pearson.”

Larry Stern

Executive Officer, Cheiron

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