Hi Folks,
I am pleased to announce that the winner of the Cheiron 2024 Book Prize is Mike Jay for his Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind, published by Yale University Press. Jay has written extensively on the cultural history of science and medicine. For more on Jay, visit his website at https://mikejay.net/
The Book Prize Committee, comprised of John Carson, Vinny Hevern, Alan Tjeltvelt, and Nadine Weidman, congratulate Dr. Jay for this accomplishment. They also applaud the achievements of three unranked finalists: Rebecca Schwartz Greene, for her Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II (Fordham University Press), Rachel Walker, for her Beauty and the Brain: The Science of Human Nature in Early America (The University of Chicago Press), and Ran Zwigenberg for his Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (The University of Chicago Press).
Larry Stern
Executive Officer, Cheiron