Hi everyone,
Today is the deadline for early bird registration for Cheiron – you should now have received an invoice if I received your registration form. Payments should be sent to our Treasurer, David Devonis (instructions are on your invoices) but any errors or edits should come back to me to correct (jba...@uakron.edu)
Please note that if you requested on-campus accommodations, these are only available between June 12-16. And you still have a few days for the reduced conference rate at the nearby off-campus hotels, but these deadlines are approaching fast!
For those who have not registered, the “late” registration fee is still VERY reasonable. You can sign up via Google Form at https://forms.gle/xwvJnKxswVZcxxot9
Please let me know if you have any questions – and remember that a preliminary program, including conference social events, is available at https://cheironsoc.org/
Excited to see some of you in a few weeks!
(Please reply to jba...@uakron.edu; I do not check Gmail regularly but posting to Google Groups has forced my hand...)
Jennifer L. Bazar, Ph.D. (she/her)
Assistant Director
Drs. Nicholas & Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology
The University of Akron
73 S. College Street
Akron, OH 44325-4302
Tel: 330-972-8487
Email: jba...@uakron.edu
Web: www.uakron.edu/chp