Default annotations in class files cause undesired downstream completions in IntelliJ

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2021年3月16日 下午2:05:042021/3/16
收件者:Checker Framework discussion
Hi all,

This came up on the Beam dev list. I did not realize that checkerframework inserted the default annotations into class files. Now I see it is an FAQ at

Personally, I don't really care. Annotations should be benign and ignored if the user doesn't have them on their classpath. But there are some issues:
  • I see a past thread about dependency analysis. We hit this too, but just added the dep.
  • Older JDKs actually NPE rather than ignoring unknown annotations (and it bit Beam)
  • IntelliJ autocompletes new classes/methods with all the defaults inserted. This makes sense if IntelliJ does not know about the annotations.
I am mostly concerned with the last bullet. For starters, we will suppress checkerframework in release builds. But I expect we will still have complaints from the Beam devs that raised the issue. I am wondering if anyone has recommendations for a good set up?


Michael Ernst

2021年4月1日 凌晨12:08:412021/4/1
收件者、Checker Framework discussion

My contacts at JetBrains ask you to please create a bug report in their tracker ( ) providing exact steps to reproduce (with all the dependencies listed, or probably even a sample project attached), expected behavior, and actual behavior.  Hopefully they will be able to fix it for you and the other users.



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Jan Lukavsky

2021年4月1日 中午12:59:212021/4/1
收件者:Checker Framework discussion
Hi, I created an issue in Idea:

Dne čtvrtek 1. dubna 2021 v 6:08:41 UTC+2 uživatel Michael Ernst napsal:
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