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Surfing Wholesale Airfare - 3 Essential Tips

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Sue Tierney

Apr 5, 2010, 9:55:05 PM4/5/10
to Cheap Airfare Tickets
Wholesale Airfare Defined
When looking for cheap airfare you probably have heard the expression
Wholesale Airfare while searching on the web. Wholesale airfare is
flights that are acquired at a bulk discount price. To get wholesale
airfare deals though, you need to get at a minimum 4 ticket or more.
Considerable concessions on bulk airfares are usually only offered to
travel consolidators and online travel services who must buy from the
airlines directly. Despite the number of airline tickets that are
required, a travel company to will always get a wholesale airfare
discount at a great deal less than buying a single ticket straight
from the airline. It often varies and depends on the number of tickets
being purchased and the terms of agreement negotiated with the airline
to receive a wholesale airfare discount, offering travelers the
savings to fly cheaply.
The Pitfalls with Wholesale Airfare
If you go online you will find that on occasion that at certain travel
sites the discounted airfare is more complicated than other travel
sites. As you start searching the web for those great deals for
wholesale flight, you should be cautioned that not all online travel
companies provide the quality of service or integrity of providing
lower rates. Sometimes, (like Priceline), you have to compete by
bidding on auctioned fares and others provide you with limited
information necessary to make your buying decision on the flight.
Essential details that need to be provided are the airline, different
flight times, various seat location, and purchasing policy before
making a commitment. There are those companies that fail to give an
online option in real-time for an available ticket. What ends up
happening, the company manually hunt for existing flight that fits
your itinerary and then call you back just to make a sale. It is
critical to read the details prior to purchasing the tickets. So, bear
in mind that all online travel companies are set up differently when
exploring the net for cheap airfares.
Wholesale Airfare and You Get the Deals
The whole purpose of a travel company/website buying bulk airfares are
to they transfer the benefits of the savings to the traveler because
it almost impossible if not unlikely that an average person is able to
buy enough airline tickets to receive the wholesale airfare deals and
discount flights reserved for travel consolidators and companies.
Unless you book a bulk of flights for a group of employees or a
wedding party, more than half the seats of an entire plane would have
to be booked to collect the discounted fares. The advantage of using
travel consolidators and online travel sites is that they can use
their influence with the airlines to get the best discounted rates and
deals and make special offers and savings directly customer. It is
wholesale airfare discounts that everyone, including travel
consolidators and companies, can enjoy paying cheaper reduced rates
for airfare.

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