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Cheap Deals on Plane Tickets - How to Get the Lowest Prices Possible on Airlin

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Jodi Lake

Apr 5, 2010, 9:47:04 PM4/5/10
to Cheap Airfare Tickets
Many of the big companies who sell travel packages and things of that
nature would like to have you believe that cheap deals on plane
tickets are hard to come by. I am here to tell you that this could not
be further from the truth, and if you know where to look then you can
in fact get some amazing deals on airline tickets to any destination.
1. One of the first things that you can do is to see what flights are
leaving at odd times. Many people want to fly at times that are easy
for them, so if you can get a flight at a weird time then you may be
able to negotiate with the airlines in order to get them to lower the
price. This is a great method for getting some really quality deals at
low prices.
2. In addition to this you can also contact the airlines directly.
What this will enable you to do is get deals that they are not
advertising to the general public. Often times the airlines will have
deals via a hotline, but you must know when to call because these
deals can sell out very quick. The best time to call is going to be
right around midnight, because this is when the systems are most often
3. By far the best method that I have found for getting cheap deals on
plane tickets is to know someone in the business who can show you how.
What I mean by this is that you need to find someone who currently or
formerly worked in the airline industry. Often times these people can
show you some really great tips to get amazing deals that you would
never be able to get otherwise.

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