How to Make the Best of Travel by Air

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Apr 5, 2010, 9:45:28 PM4/5/10
to Cheap Airfare Tickets
Let's face it; going by plane isn't fun anymore.
Not too long ago flying was a special event. Passengers dressed up
before getting on a plane. The airline staff treated you as a special
customer. They made efforts to make your flight more comfortable, more
This is all gone now. As we are herded through passenger check-in,
then through passport control (if it is an international flight), then
through security checks, and then to the terminal waiting area, by the
time we get on the plane, we are completely disillusioned by the whole
prospect of going on airplanes.
Even before the day of the flight, there is the process of making
reservations and purchasing tickets. And the pain is sharp when you
discover how much it costs to fly.
Flying has become a necessary evil instead of the special event it
used to be.
Nevertheless, there are ways to make the best of going on airplanes:
from getting cheap flights and discounts on airline tickets, to
getting through security smoothly, to making yourself comfortable
while on the flight. And it all comes down to pre-flight preparation.
Getting Cheap Flights
While it may be convenient to call a travel agent and ask them to book
a flight, you will probably save money by booking the flight yourself
on the internet. Online travel consolidators make it very easy to find
flights from any origin to any destination.
In addition travel consolidators on the internet offer options to
travel in economy or business class or first class. And some airlines
that work with the consolidators offer advanced seat selection.
The main advantage to using online travel consolidators is that they
get discounted fares for many flights. Some even offer a lowest fare
Booking your air reservations online usually results in an e-ticket.
You should either print the e-ticket out or at least write the
information down. The confirmation number and ticket number will be
used by the airline when you check in. You should also make note of
your flight numbers and flight times.
Checking In
This is the worst part of flights due to security issues. It may take
longer to get through check in procedures than it takes to fly to your
Start with packing. Be aware of what you are allowed to check through,
and what you are allowed to carry on board the aircraft. Pack your
bags neatly so that if security tells you to open them, you won't be
too embarrassed. In addition, a neatly packed bag makes it easier to
see that there is nothing illegal in your bag.
With your carry on bag(s), avoid carrying anything that might trip a
metal detector. Do not carry scissors or knives of any kind in your
carry on. Avoid carrying liquids, too. Airport security are a little
hysterical about large bottles of cologne or deodorant.
As you can see, the key to a better flight experience is preparedness.
When you go to check-in, your bags are packed neatly, you have your
identity documents (passport, driver license, identity card) and
flight information handy. Good preparation makes check-in go smoothly.
Dress for security:
Just as you have to prepare your carry-on bag to pass through
security, you also need to prepare what you wear. Many travelers have
caught on to the absurdity of the security measures, and they dress
accordingly. They wear sandals, with or without socks, because you
have to remove your shoes.
You also have to remove jackets or coats, and you have to remove your
hat. You also have to remove your belt, especially if it contains
metal. For this reason, it is better to wear pants that have a
drawstring sewn in. Sweat pants are an example.
Even though you need to dress down for an easier security check, don't
be too conspicuous. You don't want to wear the worst clothes in the
world, and you don't want to stand out in the way you dress. Security
personnel may just make your life a little harder just because your
clothes catch their eyes.
The Flight
So you got through check-in and security. That's more than half the
As with anything else, preparation is the key to having a comfortable
flight. Pack things in your carry-on bag that will make the flight
more enjoyable. Books to read, or games to play; if they fit in your
carry-on, bring them.
Of course the clothes you wear should not only be for getting through
security. They should be comfortable traveling by plane clothes, too.
Remember, airplanes are air-conditioned, and the air temperature
outside the plane is freezing. Skimpy beach ware would not be advised
for a long flight.
One of the most important things when it comes to pre-flight
preparation is seat selection. Experience will tell you if a window or
an aisle seat is better for you. Just remember, on a long flight, you
will want to stand once in a while. This is usually not too convenient
from a window seat. But then again, if you are in the aisle, you will
have bodies brushing across you as they walk up and down the aisle.
And you may have to stand frequently to allow the window passenger to
get out.
You probably should not eat or drink too much before or during a
flight. Think about it. You'll be mostly sitting, sometimes fot long
hours, and that is generally a signal to your inner systems to take a
rest and let things pile up. That is not a comfortable way to fly.
The Most Important Thing:
Pre-flight preparation may get you a cheap ticket, may prepare you for
a rapid check-in and get you through security without embarrassment.
Pre-flight planning may get you a good seat on the plane, and provide
you with onboard amusements.
The most important thing to prepare is you. Your attitude can make the
flight more enjoyable or more miserable. Anybody who has spent hours
on planes, contemplating the discomforts, can tell you this. How you
approach the whole ordeal is how the whole ordeal will treat you.
Be aware that there are inconveniences, and the airline personnel may
not be able to solve every problem. Be aware that things go wrong
sometimes, and baggage gets lost, and you miss your connection. Be
aware of these things and then just relax.
Relax before, during, and after a flight. Get yourself into the mood
that everything will be fine, even the airline personnel are nice, and
smile. Now, a smile may not always work with some of the people you
meet. But it will work on you. You will feel better, and most people
will treat you better. And that is just about the best thing you can
do to make your trip more enjoyable.

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