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A Guide to Avoiding Jet Lag

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Nadine Hicks

Apr 5, 2010, 10:09:29 PM4/5/10
to Cheap Airfare Tickets
It will generally take three days and up to one week to recover from
jet lag. Jet lag will cause you to tire easily, have lack of
concentration and insomnia which is caused from your sleep-wake cycle
being thrown off course because you traveled over three time zones or
No one is immune from jet lag. Flight personnel have problems with jet
lag even though they are used to international travel. A jet lag diet
is an attempt to control and reset your "clock" so the side effects of
extended travel or lessened.
Traveling east from California to New York and on to the UK is harder
on your inner time clock because the days and hours are reduced as you
fly; you will feel like you should be up and about when in reality
people in your destination are already asleep. If at all possible try
to plan your trip so you arrive at their bedtime and stay awake
throughout your trip on the plane, that way when you arrive you can
sleep and will be resetting your clock to adjust to the new time zone.
The jet lag diet uses your body's biological cues which consist of
meal times, sunset and sunrise, and your daily cycles of rest and
Some tips to reduce jet lag are; ?Don't drink alcohol on your flight;
Drink water instead. ?Follow the jet lag diet. A feast and fast timed
eating plan using protein, carbs and caffeine at set times of the day
and or night. ?Take Melatonin a naturally produced hormone in your
body which induces sleep. ?Homeopathic remedies are also available to
help reduce the effects of jet lag.
Meals are the main factor if you want to avoid or lessen jet lag
because what you eat tells your body to wake up or sleep. A few days
before your departure you will plan the amount and the type of food
you eat. Basically you are resetting your body to the new time zone
you will be flying to. Before you take any medications talk to your
doctor if you have a chronic health condition.

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