How well do you know Alisya?

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Alisya Peisley

Feb 17, 2006, 9:42:10 PM2/17/06

I've written a quiz 'How well do you know Alisya?' on Bebo. Click below to answer the questions and see how well you do:


1) what animal do i like the most
d)polar bear

2) what is my favourite icecream ?
c)violet crumble
d)cookies and cream

3) What is my middle name?

View all questions and Take the Quiz >>>


Feb 17, 2006, 10:56:27 PM2/17/06

Bethany Canavan

Feb 24, 2006, 3:21:40 AM2/24/06
Hi Everyone!!
I figured it was about my turn to say hi and let you guys know that I'm alive and surviving teaching. If you've forgotten I'm teaching grade 2 in Townsville at Calvary Christian College. I told a heap of you that I had year 1 but they changed it on me and I got year 2 instead. Anyway I love grade 2 and I'm so glad that I have grade 2 and not grade 1. My partner teacher is so nice and encouraging and she is such a great help. The staff here are extremely friendly and I love them!!! The school is also fantastic and I love it!!! I only have 15 kids in my class and I think I have the smallest class in the whole primary school so that's awesome. I thought I also would have heaps of problems with parents but on the first day I didn't even have one parent stay behind once the bell rang. All the other teachers were warning me and they were all the ones who had parents hanging around for ages, so that was hilarious and wonderful for me!! My class is pretty good but I also have the few interesting characters who you always get. Every day is different and I always wonder what the tantrum will be thrown about, each day. Yes I have one or two who are extremely subborn and throw a screaming tantrum when they don't get their way so it's never dull.  It's funny my partner teacher also has another child who throws tantrums so when mine isn't throwing one, her student is so we often have a laugh about that. Why do they always choose the busiest times to throw the tantrum??
Oh it was interesting, in my first 3 weeks of teaching we had one of the new teachers die. It was strange as he just didn't turn up to school then we found out that he had passed away. That was strange as he wasn't old but it was weird as we were just getting to know him and then he was gone. Anyway it's just a reminder that each day God gives us is a gift.
Anyway it's been so nice living near my brother and makes the move to a new place, so much easier. I'm also living with Tanya Eley and that has been fantastic to have her as my house-mate!!
I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys at Graduation!! Yay, can't wait!! I miss you all heaps and man uni hours are so slack!! Hahahaha Mind you, I don't miss the assignments one bit.
Anyway better go. God bless you all and keep in touch. Love Bethany

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Jess Vincent

Feb 25, 2006, 12:56:50 AM2/25/06

Hi all,

I think that it is great hearing stories from everyone, it makes it feel like we are not so far apart.

I am still loving  grade five which I would never have beleved possible two months ago. My limit was year four. I think one of the reason is that my class is sooooooo good. I have no behaviour problems at all they are just the best class even the PE teacher tells me how different they are to all the other year five classes. I kinda feel quilty but I guess that God knew that I wouldnt be able to handle this year if i had a really bad class.

I am kinda struggling with teaching at such a big school (Northside Christian College). All the staff are fantastic but there isnt the same feel as the smaller schools, but then I cant complain since I havent had to plan any units yet.

I am also struggling with the joy of Spalding... Im sure you understand if you have done a Prac at northside. It is sooo full on and the kids know it so much better then I do. But I am getting there I am actually really looking forward to the Easter Holidays and actualy getting paid to do nothing... I cant wait.

I also moved out of home in the second week of term which was very busy but I love it. I would also like to encourage those who havent written yet to give us an update (particuarly on how Morree, Emarald and Dalby are going). Looking forwards to seeing you all at graduation.

Lots of Love


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