hey hey hey

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Sep 14, 2005, 6:19:35 PM9/14/05
Well Crew,

I know everyone is just getting on here and saying how great it is to
have finished internship so I'm going to jump on the band wagon and
join in. YEAH IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!!! I am so stoked, I seriously can't
wait to finish. After watching every young male in our class 'pike
out'(not that your not young at heart Sean and Greg), I was
discouraged, however I am stoked I hung in there and have pulled it

I also got a job at King's Christian College, so I'm overhelmed with
emotions, like a pregenant lady with cravings for avocado and who just
walked onto an avocado plantantion.

Anyways God is the best, as always, and thankyou once again to everyone
who has encouraged me along the way.

God Bless
PS: enjoy you hols we deserve (see you back at uni, clowns)

Sean & Anne

Sep 14, 2005, 6:48:33 PM9/14/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com

Congratulations Abe

For perseverance and not giving up as your mates one by one dropped off.
You are a great role model and an inspiration for the young guys at CHC.

Im so proud of you and looking forward to catching up in 2 weeks time.

Cheers Sean


Sep 14, 2005, 10:36:37 PM9/14/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Well done Mate!
You are a legend!
But seriously... I am not that old!
PS. It's time for my nap

-----Original Message-----
From: CHC-I...@googlegroups.com [mailto:CHC-I...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Abe
Sent: Thursday, 15 September 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: hey hey hey

Linda Forward

Sep 15, 2005, 11:19:46 PM9/15/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
That's awesome, Abe! Well done on finishing Internship and getting this far
with your degree. Congratulations for getting a job at Kings as well. I'm so
proud of you. I think we're gonna have to have a big celebration when we get
back for all of those that have scored jobs. Well done!

See ya'll in one and a half weeks.

Linda xxoo


Sep 16, 2005, 3:54:38 AM9/16/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Good idea Linda. Maybe everyone with a job could shout a milkshake for each
unemployed person :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: CHC-I...@googlegroups.com [mailto:CHC-I...@googlegroups.com] On


Sep 18, 2005, 6:15:40 PM9/18/05
Yeah and those who don't have jobs could give those with jobs
massages and fan them with palm leaves. What do you reckon?

Penny Nix

Sep 18, 2005, 7:31:57 PM9/18/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, I definately like that idea, Abe!!!!! ;-)

Abe wrote:

>Yeah and those who don't have jobs could give those with jobs
>massages and fan them with palm leaves. What do you reckon?

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Alisya Peisley

Sep 18, 2005, 10:30:06 PM9/18/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com

In your dreams ABE.......those with no jobs atm will be the most blessed: 'first shall be last and the last shall be first...'   quote Jesus.

Not saying this cuz I don't have a job but I kinda do at (ACA) as a registered teacher for a 3month contract only...those who did homeschooling will know what ACA is...anyway keep your heads up those who are jobless...tis still EARLY to get a job.

Luv Alisya



From:  Penny Nix <penn...@iinet.net.au>
Reply-To:  CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
To:  CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Subject:  Re: hey hey hey
Date:  Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:31:57 +1000

1000s of sexy singles online now at Lavalife

Sean & Anne

Sep 18, 2005, 10:38:44 PM9/18/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Hi all
We need to get together to discuss what we are doing as part of the formal (eg comedy act, awards for lecturers etc).  Think about it this week and come prepared with your ideas next week.
How about we meet straight after our first lecture next Tuesday at 1.00pm for a 10-15 minute meeting so we can get a commitee together? 
Cheers Sean

Linda Forward

Sep 18, 2005, 11:52:39 PM9/18/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Righteo! If that'sthe case, I should try to score a job for myself soon. I
want one of those massages.
>To: "CHC INTERNS" <CHC-I...@googlegroups.com>
>Subject: Re: hey hey hey

Linda Forward

Sep 19, 2005, 12:08:30 AM9/19/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Isn't it funny. I went to an interview on Saturday. I had a pannel of four
people interviewing me so it was a bit scary, but I believe it went well.
However, as much as they are 'checking you out' as a potential employee of
the school, we are 'checking them out' as a potential workplace. I left the
interview thinking, "That went really well but I hope I don't get he job."
From the types of questions they asked me and the way they asked them, I got
the impression that they wanted someone who would blend in and not really
require much support. They kept making comments like, " You seem like a
really intense person. Do your friends think you're intense?" and "Would you
consider yourself a high-maintanence perosn? Rate yourself on a scale of 1
to 10." Then made comments like, " I'm unsure whether you'd fit in here. You
seem very passionate...etc". Honestly, I felt uncomfortable about this. They
seemed to be looking for someone more conservative, and I'd rather be myself
and be accepted for that. All the other questions they asked about my
teaching practice were fine, but I left the interview thinking, "I kinda
hope I don't get the job." On the whole, the interview process isn't as bad
as I thought it would be and I think I did really well.

There are other schools out there that want an enthusiatic and vibrant new
teacher. So I suppose I should start to apply for some. Lol!

Bless you guys, and enjoy your holidays, especially those who experienced
more of a holiday at the other end of internship and are only now enjoy
these holidays. I look forward to being a bum again at uni and not working
so hard all the time. Lol! Don't you just love being a student!

Take care and relax.

Linda F

>From: Penny Nix <penn...@iinet.net.au>
>Reply-To: CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
>To: CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
>Subject: Re: hey hey hey


Sep 19, 2005, 6:18:35 AM9/19/05
to CHC-I...@googlegroups.com
Well done Linda. You should tell them that there is no way you would work at
their school! Um... which school was it?
PS. Don't worry. I think you are intense

-----Original Message-----
From: CHC-I...@googlegroups.com [mailto:CHC-I...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Linda Forward
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