Chautauqua Grapevine

1–30 of 28680

Welcome to Chautauqua-Grapevine, the announcements and requests service which is used by hundreds of Chautauquans during the season and afterwards.  Please read below to construct a proper message which we will approve for posting to the group.  We suggest using a strong SUBJECT Line for your email/post/message so readers may quickly evaluate your content.

Enjoy your Grapevine and use it wisely.

- Grapevine Moderator Team


Please review these guidelines prior to submitting a message for posting:

Your Message should NOT be:

1.      …judgmental or disparaging, expressing an opinion regarding any cause, event, belief, etc.

2.      …repeating prior postings nor should the Grapevine be used for ongoing discussions.

3.      …overly lengthy or chatty.

4.       …intentionally misleading, false, or harmful.