Algumas fofocas sobre o Changeling do nWOD...

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Daniel Duende Carvalho

Feb 18, 2007, 10:38:06 AM2/18/07

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Collected nWOD Changeling info
Okay. This is a collection of most information the nWOD Changeling developer, Ethan Skemp, has revealed on the game. Taken from the original press release, the Shadownessence Changeling forum, the White Wolf Changeling forum, and the Jan-Apr 2007 Quarterly.

Some of this is a direct lift of what Ethan has said, while a good part is paraphrased.

(No official date for when the main Changeling book will be released, although general expectation is for sometime around Gencon in August, as 'Promethean' was.)

Changelings have returned through the thorns back to the mortal world. They need a memory of home strong enough to lead them back. Having their home change so much that it has become unrecognisable causes its own problems.

"There are many perils down the thorny paths back." - quote Ethan said he was writing.

Your world is changed by the nature of your absence.

Changelings fear that the Others, the true Fae, will return for them.

Every character has a story about their abduction by the Others, and why they /believe/ they were taken.

The Others provide a certain amount of external conflict for the game - but even so, their touch on a changeling is felt even when they're not present.

Changelings are fae creatures. There are creatures, objects, and people that are fae, and then there are the true Fae.

Human + changeling template, similar to the other nWoD games.

There are enough changelings to allow for games favoring courtly intrigues.

Liberal approach to the two character creation axes - that is, the 'splat' categories you can choose from. (The nWOD games typically have two main categories - the 'x-axis' is your inherent splat, like clan or kith, the 'y-axis' is your chosen splat, what you choose to do, like oMage's Traditions. Ethan's said he's made a couple of tweaks to nChangeling's axes.)

'Elemental' is the name of one of the splats.

Like their predecessors in the oWoD, the nWOD's changelings have seemings - but it looks to refer to something other than age categories, given that Ethan mentioned Elemental seemings in the Quarterly.

There are z-axis splats (an optional splat you can choose to have your character take up, with a narrower focus than the x- or y-splats). They empower intrigue-driven games, but some are empowering for combat characters, too.

There are mechanics involving cold iron.

Changelings have something called Contracts, which work best in appropriate environments. A combat-twinked aquatic Elemental, in a suitable environment (eg, a beach), can hold their own against werewolves.

The Changeling Morality mechanic represents something that is important to people dealing with the changes changelings undergo, and the things they've lost. It doesn't matter to something that exists at a remove from humanity.

Colour for the Changeling books is green.

Justin Achilli has done the prologue for the Changeling rulebook.

First book after the rulebook will be called 'Autumn Nightmares'. There'll also be a Changeling Storyteller's Screen.

Subtitle will reveal quite a bit of the game's themes. Full title revealed in the Werewolf: the Forsaken sourcebook 'War Against The Pure'.

Time is fluid in the Others' realms. Some changelings can grow from childhood to adulthood there - and yet when they return, only a few hours have passed. Others spend only a short time with the Others, and return to find years have passed.

It is possible for changelings to try and reclaim or reconcile their former mortal lives with their current existence (it's possible to have a timeshift that encourages this). Equally, it is possible for them to vanish into changeling society, to make a new life.

The game's not going for the classic escapist fantasy - ie, that the mortal world changelings have lost didn't matter.

Changelings have courts and freeholds.

Fairly social game. Political model has a neat system, lends itself to considerable modification based on group's inclinations. Model has many interesting ramifications.

The game is a fusion of archaic and modern, integrating both. Changeling fashion can be archaic or modern.

Regarding doing Changeling: the Dreaming characters over in the new game: Characters with some foundation in classic folklore can be done quite well. Characters focused on C:tD's specific themes will be harder to do, but you can do close analogues. Certain things will be lost in the conversion - and certain things will be found.

Changelings are /not/ assumed to have enough contact with mages to fold their perspective into their own worldview - that is, they don't have enough reliable info from the mage perspective to fit the two together. Out-of-game, there are no conflicts between the mage cosmology and the changeling cosmology, even if it appears otherwise at first.

Oh yes. We've also got the skull icon for the Changeling books:

Daniel Duende Carvalho
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