Here are the notes session A in the second round: Participatory
Democracy in our City
Shifting the morphogenic field of municipal governance
There is currently a citizen-led project in Ottawa exploring
participatory democracy for municipal governance. For further info
Here are the notes from the Change Camp discussion:
Look at government from a bigger perspective, e.g. systems thinking –
and grow the organic entity of governance – not just single issues
Need evolutionary process rather than just back and forth that happens
between newly elected councils
Perhaps Open data can make this smoother evolutionary process possible
How do you engage people to use the tools?
Tenants often don’t vote
Citizen comments need to be actioned for engagement
To encourage participation, people need feedback on when their
participation is not effective
The messiness of policy-making needs to be part of the process
There needs to be a conversation
There needs to be space for people to change their minds
It’s about the process
All stakeholders need to be part of the research and analysis process.
It doesn’t work if government starts consulting the public after all
of the research is already done – because by then they are already
committed to a particular course of action. And the consultation of
the public is no longer really a consultation.
A methodology like Open Space Technology (
) works better than an executive style. However, until the “100th
monkey” is on board, both styles will probably be deployed during the
Perhaps it’s better to have law of democratic selection ;-) -- where
councillors make decisions for their area
Participation needs to be local and ongoing, where government feels
that they are a participant who is also learning
I also have some pictures that I'll put up in the next little while.
> We got a good writeup in the Citizen