Pregnant and Nursing Women on Tisha Baav Nidcheh

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Jeremy Baran

Aug 7, 2019, 7:29:06 AM8/7/19
to chabura

I was surprised this halacha is not addressed directly in the Shulchan Aruch, so I researched a few sources on the issue working off the entry in Pninei Halacha.  Attached source sheet is the result.

I'm still curious to better understand the kol shekein of the Shevus Yaakov...

Pregnant and Nursing Women on Tisha Baav Nidcheh- Sourcesheet 5779.11.06 v1.pdf
Pregnant and Nursing Women on Tisha Baav Nidcheh- Sourcesheet 5779.11.06 v1.docx
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