Fwd: Divrei Torah for Rutie Sova A"H

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Simcha Shabtai

Nov 23, 2020, 11:58:08 PM11/23/20
My apologies if you've already received this email from Daniel himself

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From: Daniel Weiss <daniel...@gmail.com>

I am writing this email to you from a state that I wish I wasn't having to. Unfortunately, our dear friend Aryeh Sova has been given the challenge of having to go on without his dearest 3 year old Rutie A"H. We all care for Aryeh, and we have all benefited tremendously from his enthusiasm for Torah and help to others. We thought it made sense to assemble meaningful/thoughtful/inspirational divrei Torah that can enhance our experience, and be a zechus to Rutie.

We are trying to put together divrei Torah on the parsha lilui nishmas Rutie A"H. We are asking for people to sign up for a parsha. The goal is roughly one page in word typed (~500 words). We are doing this in English. Here is the google doc to sign up. We are also looking for donations to sponsor the printing of the sefer, but haven't gotten to the exact logistics of that yet. Please let me know if interested in writing a dvar Torah for a parsha and sign up on the google doc. Likewise, let me know if interested in donating towards this cause. May the combined efforts of our people be an aliyah for Rutie's neshama, and may we see the days soon that she is reunited with her beautiful family with techias hameisim.

Apologies if I may have already emailed you or if you have already been contacted via another source.

kol tuv,
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