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Press Release - AEiC 2021, Ada-Europe Reliable Softw. Technol.

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Dirk Craeynest

May 30, 2021, 12:22:47 PM5/30/21

FINAL Call for Participation

*** UPDATED Program Summary ***

25th Ada-Europe International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2021)

7-10 June 2021, Virtual Event

*** Check out tutorials! ***

*** Don't miss the thematic social events on Tuesday and Wednesday ***
*** Full Program available on the conference web site ***
*** Register now! ***

#AEiC2021 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming


Press release:

25th Ada-Europe Int'l Conference on Reliable Software Technologies

International experts meet in virtual conference hosted by Underline

Santander, Spain (31 May 2021) - Ada-Europe together with the University
of Cantabria, Spain organize from 7 to 10 June 2021 the 25th Ada-Europe
International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2021).
The conference was initially scheduled to take place in Santander,
Spain. According to the safety and sanitary measures under the COVID-19
pandemic, this year the conference will be a virtual event, hosted by
Underline ( The event is in cooperation with
the Ada Resource Association (ARA), and with ACM's Special Interest
Groups on Ada (SIGAda), on Embedded Systems (SIGBED) and on Programming
Languages (SIGPLAN).

The Ada-Europe series of conferences has over the years become a leading
international forum for providers, practitioners and researchers in
reliable software technologies. These events highlight the increased
relevance of Ada in general and in safety- and security-critical systems
in particular, and provide a unique opportunity for interaction and
collaboration between academics and industrial practitioners.

This year's conference offers 5 tutorials, 3 keynotes, a technical
program of 7 sessions with refereed papers, invited and industrial
presentations, a work-in-progress session, an industrial exhibition
and vendor presentations, and a social program.

Five parallel tutorials are scheduled on Monday, targeting different
- "Programming mobile robots with ROS2 and the RCLAda Ada client
library", by Alejandro R. Mosteo;
- "Introduction to the development of safety critical software",
by Jean-Pierre Rosen;
- "Parallel programming with Ada and OpenMP", by Sara Royuela,
S. Tucker Taft, Luis Miguel Pinho;
- "Timing verification from UML & MARTE design models: techniques
& tools", by Laurent Rioux, Julio Medina and Shuai Li;
- "Programming shared memory computers", by Jan Verschelde.
Tutorial registration is complementary for conference participants.

The industrial exhibition opens Tuesday under the Expo area in the
virtual platform and also in the Lounge, which is the networking area.
It runs until the end of Thursday afternoon. Exhibitors include
AdaCore, PTC Developer Tools, and Ada-Europe. All conference
participants are invited to the exhibition as well as to the virtual
social events.

Three eminent speakers have been invited to deliver a keynote at each
of the core conference days:
- Ángel Conde, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence team leader at
IKERLAN (Spain), who will present his work on "Software reliability in
the Big Data era with an industry-minded focus";
- Alfons Crespo, who is with the Institute of Automation and Industrial
Informatics of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), will
give an answer to the question "Why hypervisor-based approach is the
best alternative for mixed-criticality systems";
- Tucker Taft, who is Director of Language Research at AdaCore (USA),
will talk on "A sampling of Ada 2022".

The technical program from Tuesday to Thursday presents 13 refereed
technical papers and 5 invited, 6 industrial and 4 vendor presentations
in sessions on:
- Scheduling and mixed-criticality systems,
- Software modeling,
- Autonomous systems,
- Ada issues and Ravenscar,
- Validation and verification tools,
- Emerging applications with reliability requirements,
- Safety challenges.

In addition, there is a work-in-progress session including 8
presentations and associated posters.

Peer-reviewed papers have been submitted to a special issue
of the Journal of Systems Architecture and are heading towards
final acceptance as open-access publications. Industrial and
work-in-progress presentations, together with tutorial abstracts,
will be offered publication in the Ada User Journal, the quarterly
magazine of Ada-Europe.

The social program is hosted in a space under the
environment that allows informal and lively gathering of the
participants. This space has different areas, such as rooms,
tables, and corners where a participant can approach to talk
though videoconferencing with participants in the same virtual area.
This facility will be used for the breaks, poster session, exhibition
and social events. Don't miss the thematic social events at the end
of each core conference day.

The Best Presentation Award will be offered during the Closing session.

The full program is available on the conference web site.
Online registration is still possible.


Latest updates:

The "Final Program" is available at

Check out the tutorials in the PDF program, or in the schedule at

Registration fees are lower than ever and the registration
process is done on-line. Don't delay! For all details, select
"Registration" at or go directly

The technical sessions are designed with the flipped-conference concept,
where the audience can access pre-recorded presentation materials
in advance. The live sessions are devoted to short presentations of
the highlights of each contribution, allowing ample time for questions
and answers with the presenter. The recorded materials will also be
available for some time after their sessions.

The program runs between 12:30 and 18:30 CEST, to allow participation
from different time zones. For more info and latest updates see the
conference web site at

AEiC 2021 is sponsored by AdaCore (, Ellidiss
(, PTC Developer Tools (,
Universidad de Cantabria (, and Vector

Help promote the conference by advertising it.
Recommended Twitter hashtags: #AdaEurope and/or #AEiC2021.


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

Dirk Craeynest, AEiC 2021 Publicity Chair (aka Ada-Europe 2021),

* 25th Ada-Europe Int. Conf. Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2021)
* June 7-10, 2021 * online event * **

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