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CfC Ada-Europe 2022 Conference - 27 Feb - second deadline

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Dirk Craeynest

Jan 31, 2022, 11:44:30 AM1/31/22

UPDATED Call for Contributions

26th Ada-Europe International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022)

14-17 June 2022, Ghent, Belgium

Organized by Ada-Europe
in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGPLAN, SIGBED
and the Ada Resource Association (ARA)

*** 2nd DEADLINE 27 February 2022 ***

#AEiC2022 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming


*** General Information

The 26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies (AEiC 2022) will take place in Ghent, Belgium, in the
week of 14-17 June, in dual mode, with a solid core of in-presence
activities accompanied by digital support for remote participation.
The conference schedule comprises a journal track, an industrial track,
a work-in-progress track, a vendor exhibition, parallel tutorials,
and satellite workshops.

*** Schedule

16 January 2022: Submission deadline for journal-track papers,
[CLOSED] tutorials and workshop proposals.

27 February 2022: Submission deadline for industrial-track and
work-in-progress-track abstracts.

14 March 2022: Notification of invitations-to-present for
journal-track papers. Notification of
acceptance for all other types of submission.

3 April 2022: Publication of advance program.

*** Topics

The conference is an established international forum for providers,
practitioners and researchers in reliable software technologies.
The conference presentations will illustrate current work in
the theory and practice of developing, running and maintaining
challenging long-lived, high-quality software systems for a variety
of application domains including manufacturing, robotics, avionics,
space, health care, transportation, cloud environments, smart energy,
serious games. The program will allow ample time for keynotes, Q&A
sessions and discussions, and social events. Participants include
practitioners and researchers from industry, academia and government
organizations active in the promotion and development of reliable
software technologies.

The topics of interest for the conference include but are not
limited to:

- Real-Time and Safety-Critical Systems: design, implementation and
verification challenges, novel approaches, e.g., Mixed-Criticality
Systems, novel scheduling algorithms, novel design and analysis

- High-Integrity Systems and Reliability: theory and practice
of High-Integrity Systems, languages vulnerabilities and
countermeasures, architecture-centred development methods and tools;

- Reliability-oriented Programming Languages (not limited to Ada):
compilation and runtime challenges, language profiles, use cases
and experience reports, language education and training initiatives;

- Experience Reports: case studies, lessons learned, and comparative

Refer to the conference website for the full list of topics.

*** Call for Journal-track Submissions

Following the journal-first model inaugurated in 2019, the
conference includes a journal-track that seeks original and
high-quality submissions that describe mature research work in
the scope of the conference. Accepted papers for this track will
be published in the "Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC2022)"

[Submission details removed. Call is closed now.]

Authors who have successfully passed the first round of review will
be invited to present their work at the conference. Ada-Europe,
the main conference sponsor, will cover the Open Access fees for
the first four papers to gain final acceptance, which do not already
enjoy OA from personalized bilateral agreements with the Publisher.

*** Call for Industrial-track Submissions

The conference seeks industrial practitioner presentations that
deliver insight on the challenges of developing reliable software.
Given their applied nature, such contributions will be subject to
a dedicated practitioner-peer review process. Interested authors
shall submit a short (one-to-two pages) abstract, by 27 February
2022, via,
strictly in PDF, following the Ada User Journal style

The abstract of the accepted contributions will be included in the
conference booklet. The corresponding authors will get a presentation
slot in the prime-time technical program of the conference, and will
also be invited to expand their contributions into full-fledged
articles for publication in the Ada User Journal, which will form
the proceedings of the Industrial track of the Conference.

Prospective authors may direct all enquiries regarding this track to
the corresponding chair, Alejandro R. Mosteo, at the listed address.

*** Call for Work-in-Progress-track Submissions

The Work-in-Progress track seeks two kinds of submissions: (a) ongoing
research, and (b) early-stage ideas. Ongoing research submissions are
4-page papers that describe research results that are not mature enough
to be submitted to the journal track as yet. Early-stage ideas, are
1-page papers that pitch new research directions that fall in the scope
of the conference. Both kinds of submission must be original and shall
undergo anonymous peer review. Submissions by recent MSc graduates and
PhD students are especially sought.

[Submission details removed. Call is closed now.]

The abstract of the accepted contributions will be included in the
conference booklet. The corresponding authors will get a presentation
slot in the prime-time technical program of the conference, and will
also be offered the opportunity to expand their contributions into
4-page articles for publication in the Ada User Journal, which will
form the proceedings of the WiP track of the Conference.

*** Academic Listing

The Journal of Systems Architecture, publication venue of the
journal-track proceedings of the conference, was ranked Q1 (SJR) in
the year 2020, also featuring 72th percentile in CiteScope (Scopus).
The Ada User Journal, venue of all other technical proceedings of
the conference, is indexed by Scopus and by EBSCOhost in the Academic
Search Ultimate database.

*** Awards

Ada-Europe will offer an honorary award for the best technical
presentation, to be announced in the closing session of the conference.

*** Call for Tutorials

The conference seeks tutorials in the form of educational seminars
on themes falling within the conference scope, with an academic
or practitioner slant, including hands-on or practical elements.

[Submission details removed. Call is closed now.]

The authors of accepted full-day tutorials will receive a complimentary
conference registration, halved for half-day tutorials. The Ada
User Journal will offer space for the publication of summaries of
the accepted tutorials.

*** Call for Workshops

The conference welcomes satellite workshops centred on themes that
fall within the conference scope. Proposals may be submitted for
half- or full-day events, to be scheduled at either end of the
conference proper.

[Submission details removed. Call is closed now.]

*** Call for Exhibitors

The conference will include a vendor and technology exhibition.
Interested providers should direct inquiries to the Exhibition Chair.

*** Venue

The conference will take place in the heart of the city of Ghent,
Belgium, capital of the East Flanders province, a halfhour train
ride north-west of Brussels. Ghent is rich in history, culture and
higher-education, with a top-100 university founded in 1817.

*** Organizing Committee

* Conference Chair
Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua, Italy
tullio.vardanega at

* Journal-track Chair
Jérôme Hugues, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
jjhugues at

* Industrial-track Chair
Alejandro R.Mosteo, Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Zaragoza, Spain
amosteo at

* Work-in-Progress-track Chair
Frank Singhoff, University of Brest, France
frank.singhoff at

* Tutorial and Workshop Chair
Aurora Agar Armario, NATO, the Netherlands
aurora.agar at

* Exhibition & Sponsorship Chair
Ahlan Marriott, White Elephant GmbH, Switzerland
software at

* Publicity Chair
Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Belgium & KU Leuven, Belgium
dirk.craeynest at

* Local Chair
Vicky Wandels, University of Ghent, Belgium
Vicky.Wandels at

*** Previous Editions

Ada-Europe organizes annual international conferences since the early
80's. This is the 26th event in the Reliable Software Technologies
series, previous ones being held at Montreux, Switzerland ('96),
London, UK ('97), Uppsala, Sweden ('98), Santander, Spain ('99),
Potsdam, Germany ('00), Leuven, Belgium ('01), Vienna, Austria ('02),
Toulouse, France ('03), Palma de Mallorca, Spain ('04), York, UK
('05), Porto, Portugal ('06), Geneva, Switzerland ('07), Venice,
Italy ('08), Brest, France ('09), Valencia, Spain ('10), Edinburgh,
UK ('11), Stockholm, Sweden ('12), Berlin, Germany ('13), Paris,
France ('14), Madrid, Spain ('15), Pisa, Italy ('16), Vienna, Austria
('17), Lisbon, Portugal ('18), Warsaw, Poland ('19), and online from
Santander, Spain ('21).

Information on previous editions of the conference can be found at


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

Dirk Craeynest, AEiC 2022 Publicity Chair

* 26th Ada-Europe Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022)
* June 14-17, 2022, Ghent, Belgium *

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