We're moving to GitHub Discussions

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Peter Amiri

May 27, 2022, 8:43:38 AM5/27/22
to cfwh...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

Although Google Groups has served us well over the years, it’s started to lose some essential abilities and it’s looking a little long in the tooth.

We have decided that it would be a benefit to the community to migrate to GitHub Discussions. You can visit our new home here https://github.com/cfwheels/cfwheels/discussions.

The benefits of moving to Github Discussions are numerous, but at a glance, we look forward to having better syntax highlighting, marking comments as answers, flagging threads as Answered, easily turning a discussion into an issue, and many more.

This group will remain available, but we will be disabling posting in the future, and will treat it as a read-only archive of potentially past discussions.


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