CommandBox> start exampleappACF --verbose
√ | Starting Server
| Looking for server JSON file by convention: D:\program_files\CommandBox\/
| server-exampleappACF.json
| webroot defaulted to location of server's JSON file: D:\program_files\Com
| mandBox\
| Switching to the last-used server JSON file for this server: D:\program_f
| iles\CommandBox\myApp\/server-exampleappACF.json
| Recalculating web root based on new server JSON file.
| webroot defaulted to location of server's JSON file: D:\program_files\Com
| mandBox\myApp\
| start server in - D:\program_files\CommandBox\myApp\
| server name - exampleappACF
| server config file - D:\program_files\CommandBox\myApp\/server-exampleapp
| ACF.json
| Contacting ForgeBox to determine the latest & greatest version of [adobe
| 2016]... Use an exact 'cfengine' version to skip this check.
| OK, [adobe 2016.0.17+325979] it is!
| WAR/zip archive already installed.
| Server start command:
| C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_321\bin\java.exe
| -jar C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox\lib\runwar-4.5.2.jar
| --background=true
| --host
| --stop-port 50121
| --processname exampleappACF [adobe 2016.0.17+325979]
| --log-dir C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E700FD487089
| CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/logs
| --server-name exampleappACF
| --tray-enable true
| --dock-enable true
| --directoryindex true
| --timeout 240
| --proxy-peeraddress true
| --cookie-secure false
| --cookie-httponly false
| --pid-file C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E700FD48708
| 9CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/.pid.txt
| --tray-icon C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox\cfml\system\config\server-icons\
| trayicon-cf2016-32px.png
| --tray-config C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E700FD48
| 7089CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/.trayOptions.json
| --gzip-enable true
| --cfengine-name adobe
| --dirs /cf_scripts=C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E70
| 0FD487089CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/cf_scripts
| -war D:\program_files\CommandBox\myApp\
| --web-xml-path C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E700FD4
| 87089CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/WEB-INF/web.xml
| --http-enable true
| --ssl-enable false
| --ajp-enable false
| --http2-enable true
| --open-browser true
| --open-url | --port 60051
| --urlrewrite-enable true
| --urlrewrite-file D:\program_files\CommandBox\myApp\urlrewrite.xml
| --predicate-file C:\Users\dan\.CommandBox/server/2D917F226B03C85E700F
| D487089CA21E-exampleappACF/adobe-2016.0.17.325979/.predicateFile.txt
| The server for D:\program_files\CommandBox\myApp\ is starting on
http://1 | ...
| √ | Setting Server Profile to [development]
| |------------------------------------------------------
| | Profile set from server bound to localhost
| | Block CF Admin disabled
| | Block Sensitive Paths enabled
| | Block Flash Remoting enabled
| | Directory Browsing enabled
| |------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] Runwar: Starting RunWAR 4.5.2
[INFO ] Runwar: HTTP2 Enabled:true
[INFO ] Runwar: HTTP sslEnable:false
[INFO ] Runwar: HTTP ajpEnable:false
[INFO ] Runwar: HTTP warFile exists:true
[INFO ] Runwar: HTTP warFile isDirectory:true
[INFO ] Runwar: Starting background exampleappACF [adobe 2016.0.17+325979] from:
[INFO ] Starting in background -