cfw 2.02 /events/onabort.cfm example?

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8.3.2021, во 15:45:448.3.21
до CFWheels
Does anyone have a working version of  /events/onabort.cfm that displays an error to the user that they can post?

I tried the following code BUT I get a " ERROR:Element PARAMS.CONTROLLER is undefined in VARIABLES"

<cfscript>// FILENAME: /events/onabort.cfm
// Place code here that should be executed on the "onAbort" event.
renderView( template = "/home/onerror.cfm",  layout=false, cache=0);  

and my /home/onerror.cfm is;

<!--- FILENAME: /views/home/onerror.cfm --->
<!--- Place HTML here that should be displayed when an error is encountered while running in "production" mode. --->
    Sorry, that caused an unexpected error.<br>
        Please try again later.
<cfdump var="#variables#" label="** VARIABLES **">

During development, I use <cfabort showError = "error message"> alot to  debug/understand the flow of my controllers.
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