Lowercas function names

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Indy Nagpal

Dec 11, 2009, 5:25:19 AM12/11/09
to cftextmate

I just started using the bundle. It is really nice. I'm trying 3.0
Beta 3 and loving it.

Just wanted to ask if there is any reason why all function names are
inserted in lower case? So 'isdefined' instead of 'isDefined',
structkeyexists instead of structKeyExists.

I know I can go into the bundle and and change the text for each
function, but just wanted to understand if there was a particular
reason behind making them lowercase, as also, is there a way in which
this can be made camel-cased.



Steve Ross

Dec 11, 2009, 9:25:52 AM12/11/09
to cftex...@googlegroups.com
Pretty sure there is no reason it is like that. Honestly this may seem silly but i prefer title case for CF functions, that way i know the difference between my custom functions and the built in CF ones. Either way i agree with you that they need to change.


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Steve Ross
web application & interface developer
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Rob Rohan

Dec 11, 2009, 4:04:04 PM12/11/09
to cftex...@googlegroups.com
They are that way because the bundles were generated from the cfeclipse dictionaries.  Others are taking over the project and not going to use th auto build system so since some one will be typing it by hand now they can do whatever (but that was the reason)

Sent from my iPhone

Indy Nagpal

Dec 14, 2009, 7:04:01 PM12/14/09
to cftextmate
I found a list of CF functions at: http://blogs.adobe.com/mallika/ColdFusionFunctions.htm

Wrote a small script to extract function names from the xml in
cftextmate bundle, and then camelcased them based on the casing in the
Adobe blog url.

I've uploaded a wddx that contains an array with lowercased and
camelcased function names. Sorry, have run out time and can't actually
change the cf8.xml for the bundle right now.

But if you'd like to incorporate the camel cased function names, you
can get the wddx at: http://nagpals.com/temp/cffunctions.xml

Hope that helps... Do you want me to change function names for older
CF versions?

On Dec 12, 10:04 am, Rob Rohan <robro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> They are that way because the bundles were generated from the
> cfeclipse dictionaries. Others are taking over the project and not
> going to use th auto build system so since some one will be typing it
> by hand now they can do whatever (but that was the reason)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2009-12-12, at 上午1:25, Steve Ross <nowhid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Pretty sure there is no reason it is like that. Honestly this may
> > seem silly but i prefer title case for CF functions, that way i know
> > the difference between my custom functions and the built in CF ones.
> > Either way i agree with you that they need to change.
> > On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Indy Nagpal <i...@shadocms.com>

Indy Nagpal

Dec 14, 2009, 7:31:32 PM12/14/09
to cftextmate
Actually, you can get the cf8.xml file from: http://nagpals.com/temp/cf8.xml

It has the lowercased function names. You'll probably have to do
another build. Let me know if you need anything else with it.


On Dec 12, 10:04 am, Rob Rohan <robro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> They are that way because the bundles were generated from the
> cfeclipse dictionaries. Others are taking over the project and not
> going to use th auto build system so since some one will be typing it
> by hand now they can do whatever (but that was the reason)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2009-12-12, at 上午1:25, Steve Ross <nowhid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Pretty sure there is no reason it is like that. Honestly this may
> > seem silly but i prefer title case for CF functions, that way i know
> > the difference between my custom functions and the built in CF ones.
> > Either way i agree with you that they need to change.
> > On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Indy Nagpal <i...@shadocms.com>
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