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Job opening at the Orlando Sentinel

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Danny Sanchez

Aug 29, 2007, 5:45:00 PM8/29/07
to Central Florida PHP
Hey PHPers, is looking to hire a talented web developer to
help deliver content in new ways and create engaging Web features for
our readers. This is a cutting-edge Web news and information position.
The developer would be responsible for developing, designing and
building databases and database applications, Web pages and templates
for Orlando Sentinel online products, working jointly with Interactive
and Editorial departments, including newsroom journalists, Web
producers, designers and a central technology staff.

We're looking for someone who is fluent in PHP, SQL and JavaScript,
has an interest in the news of the day and is on top of the latest Web
trends. Experience with other web development languages and frameworks
such as ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Python/Django is a big plus, along
with knowledge of mapping APIs.

If interested, apply at <a href="">http://<a>. Contact contact Senior Online Editor Richard
Tribou at rtribou! with any questions.

Best Wishes,
Danny Sanchez
Communities & News Producer

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