Replacement for MXUnit

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Leslie Carpenter

Dec 12, 2019, 12:19:28 AM12/12/19
to CFEclipse Users

I've been using CFEclipse for years, and even with the gradually diminishing support for the project, I have found most updates to work well.  Kudos to those volunteers who have kept the project running this long!

I just discovered that some recent update hosed my mxunit install, and the software update site is no longer available.  I have re-installed the plugin from the original ZIP, but I'm not seeing any MXUnit features within the CFEclipse perspective.  Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?

On another note, is there any interest in reviving the project?  Is it possible to reactivate the site, or move it to another location?  I don't know about these things, but would be willing to help out if others find it useful.


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