I'm getting a Windows 10 dev box ready and one thing I definitely want to work is snippets.
The snippets work if I double click on them, but if type the trigger text then ctrl+j, nothing happens.
I verified that ctrl+j is bound to the Insert Snippet command. I also tried other bindings, same result.
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Build id: 20150621-1200
I have installed
CFEclipse (including MXUnit and Frameworks) org.cfeclipse.cfml.feature.feature.group CFEclipse Project
MXUnit Test Runner org.mxunit.eclipseplugin.feature.feature.group MXUnit
Snippets org.cfeclipse.cfml.snippets.feature.feature.group null
How can I troubleshoot this?