CFEclipse Installation Error

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Zy Danielson

Jan 11, 2015, 5:33:40 AM1/11/15
First of all, I am a ColdFusion programmer from way back in the simpler Allaire days. I am brand new to Eclipse. So I had no idea what to install. I went here to find instructions on installing CFEclipse:

The first step says: For basic needs, the "Classic" install will be fine.

I could not find the word "classic" in any of the Eclipse installations. So I Googled "Eclipse Classic" and found an installation. When I installed it, I got a running version of Eclipse as follows:

Splash screen says "Juno"
Though when it is running, the top bar says "Resource - Eclipse SDK"
From Help:
Version: 4.2.2
Build id: M20130204-1200

Nervous that the next step was for installing on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), which I knew I did not have, I followed the instructions anyway: Help > Install new software. I typed into the Work with box and pressed Add. I typed CFEclipse into the Name field and pressed OK. The next step deviated from the github wiki page. It says: Tick CFEclipse (including CFUnit and Frameworks) and press Next. This option was not present. I had two options: [] CFEclipse ... and [] CFEclipse (optional). I tried clicking both, then each separately. In all cases, the installation aborted with the following error:

CFEclipse (Including MXUnit and Frameworks)

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: CFEclipse (including MXUnit and Frameworks) 1.4.6.R201403180646 ( 1.4.6.R201403180646)
Missing requirement: CFML Plug-in 1.4.6.R201403180646 (org.cfeclipse.cfml 1.4.6.R201403180646) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.ui [3.105.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: CFEclipse (including MXUnit and Frameworks) 1.4.6.R201403180646 ( 1.4.6.R201403180646)
To: org.cfeclipse.cfml [1.4.6.R201403180646]

I did look through this group to find similar posts and found one thread. But in reading through the various replies -- most of them older than a year ago -- I could not find an answer that I was sure applied to my current situation.

I found no one reporting this error in 2015. So please forgive a new group member if there is an explanation elsewhere I did not catch. I would like some replies from today, so that I know I'm getting the most current information.

My OS: Windows 7 Professional.

The rest of this post isn't necessary to understand the error reported above. But you might find it interesting. I have been coding happily with the ColdFusion 4.5 Studio since Allaire days. I love that ide. I held my breath when I bought my first Windows 7 machine, but was fairly sure I could get it to run even if I had to use XP Mode. Imagine my surprise and relief when it ran just fine in Windows 7!

The problem is that I am about to purchase new machines with Windows 8.1 installed. I tried installing ColdFusion 4.5 Studio on the first one. It won't run. And, as you know, XP Mode is no longer an option in 8.1. (I've heard that Microsoft now realizes its mistake and will correct this problem with Windows 10. But I will believe it when I see it. If I live that long.)

I have grieved the loss of my precious ColdFusion 4.5 Studio and started looking for other options. I've looked at Sublime Text 2 and am very impressed with it. However, I was having trouble customizing it enough to make me happy using it with CFML. So I turned to CFEclipse. I'd love to be able to try it out.

Of course, first I'll have to succeed in installing it.

Hence, my joining this group and this, my first post.

Thanks all, in advance.

Peter Boughton

Jan 11, 2015, 3:46:39 PM1/11/15
Well if you're happy with CFStudio on Windows 7, I'd stick with that for now. Wait and see if Microsoft does anything compelling with Win10.

But If you want to get CFEclipse running, then read on...

Eclipse versions are named alphabetically after celestial bodies and released yearly - you can see the corresponding numbers/dates here:

Documentation refers to the versions/packages available at that time (and unfortunately nobody has enough spare time to keep it up-to-date at the moment).

It's fine to use an older version of Eclipse (the newer ones will have bugs fixed, but they also have changes which often seem to be just for the sake of changing - most of my CFE setups use Indigo/Juno, because recent Luna/Mars changes to how editors work are annoying.)

The main download page offers older versions under the "more downloads" box on the right:

Classic refers to a package - a combination of pre-installed plugins - which used to be the standard/default option.
The default is now "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" (~154MB) and that will be fine for CFE.
(Other packages should also work, but unless you need the extra functionality you might as well get the default)

On the installing software screen, there's an arrow next to the two options - click that and it expands to show the contents. (Or simply untick the "group items by category" box.)

I think the installation issue is because the newest 1.4.6 doesn't work on older versions - it should work on Kepler/newer, but if you want to use a previous Eclipse version, you could try CFE 1.4.4 or 1.4.5 - either from the /update-archive or /update-preview sites, or by downloading the files in the last post below and installing manually:

Hopefully that all makes enough sense - let me know if anything is unclear?

Zy Danielson

Jan 11, 2015, 9:48:35 PM1/11/15

Hello Boug,

Yes, your post was very clear. I was able to install CFE 1.4.5 into my Juno 4.2.2. I used to install CFE 1.4.5.

So far I am loving it! I assume Adobe is no longer hosting or supporting any RDS plugin? If so, I can't find it. No matter, really. I'll take a look at the Database Tools referenced at Instead of dragging and dropping MySql table names, column names, etc., directly into the CFE editor, I suppose it is only a slightly longer step to change views to a Database Tool that shows my tables, then copy/paste the table and column names into the editor.

CFE looks very exciting. I will start using it immediately.

Can you assure me that I will be able to install Juno 4.2.2 and CFE 1.4.5 on my new Windows 8.1 machines when they arrive, using the same process I did when installing to Windows 7? In other words Windows 8.1 should not cause me any problems, right?

Thank you so much for your time and also for your prompt response.

Best Regards,

Will Coleda

Jan 12, 2015, 2:50:18 PM1/12/15
On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Zy Danielson <> wrote:
> Hello Boug,
> Yes, your post was very clear. I was able to install CFE 1.4.5 into my Juno
> 4.2.2. I used to install CFE 1.4.5.
> So far I am loving it! I assume Adobe is no longer hosting or supporting any
> RDS plugin? If so, I can't find it. No matter, really. I'll take a look at
> the Database Tools referenced at
> Instead of
> dragging and dropping MySql table names, row names, etc., directly into the
> CFE editor, I suppose it is only a slightly longer step to change views to a
> Database Tool that shows my tables, then copy/paste the table and row names
> into the editor.

Adobe's ColdFusion Builder (a commercial eclipse plugin/bundle)
provides debugging support.

> CFE looks very exciting. I will start using it immediately.
> Can you assure me that I will be able to install Juno 4.2.2 and CFE 1.4.5 on
> my new Windows 8.1 machines when they arrive, using the same process I did
> when installing to Windows 7?
> Thank you so much for your time and also for your prompt response.
> Best Regards,
> Zy
> --
> --
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Will "Coke" Coleda

Peter Boughton

Jan 12, 2015, 7:03:06 PM1/12/15
> I assume Adobe is no longer hosting or supporting any RDS plugin

As far as I know they stopped supporting it once CFBuilder came out, though it may or not be possible to find/download from elsewhere.

CFBuilder provides RDS support in both the express ($0) and standard ($300) editions, and additional remote debugging in the standard edition. (I don't know how either of those compare to CFStudio though.)

> Can you assure me that I will be able to install Juno 4.2.2 and 
> CFE 1.4.5 on my new Windows 8.1 machines when they arrive, using 
> the same process I did when installing to Windows 7?

Well I've not done it, but I don't know of any reason why it wouldn't work.

So long as it's NOT the crippled Windows RT edition then you should be fine.

Zy Danielson

Jan 12, 2015, 7:07:45 PM1/12/15
Hi Coke,

I have tried CFB. It works okay. But I'm not interested in paying Adobe $300 for it. CFE seems to be working wonderfully and so far is giving me all I need. With CFB and Aptana for CSS and JS, I'm very happy with Eclipse so far. I develop my CF apps for clients running Railo. None of us are very interested in supporting Adobe's efforts to murder what was once an amazing product from Allaire, so elegant in its simplicity. So for me and my clients, CFE on my side and Railo on their side is the way to go.

As I've read in other places: what better price tag than free?

Best Regards,

Zy Danielson

Jan 12, 2015, 7:11:49 PM1/12/15
We'll know soon, Boug. Dell shipped my new computer today. Windows 8.1. I'll have it on Wednesday, and the first thing I'm going to do is install CFE. I'll post again once that is done, as a follow-up to our discussion.

Thank you once again.

Roger Austin

Jan 12, 2015, 7:32:08 PM1/12/15
to, Zy Danielson
I use Adobe CFB3 every day and find it very useful and easy. I use the stripped down, free version after my trial ended. I had a paid version of CFB2, but when I upgraded, I didn't see any reason to buy V3 since I didn't observe a difference from when it was the "live" version. It turns out that I never use the paid features.

CFEclipse is OSS, but it is rarely updated from what I can tell. I know nothing about the development team however, even if there is one anymore.

I also use Sublime Text and like that very much. I use Visual Studio too for .NET code. If there was a VS plugin for CFML, I'd use that in a heartbeat.

Jim Priest

Jan 12, 2015, 8:00:31 PM1/12/15
to CFEclipse Users, Zy Danielson
I think it's safe to say that CFEclipse development is dead in the water - not sure anyone is developing on it any more.

There also used to be a package for IntelliJ ($$) but frankly after moving to Sublime I could never use an 'IDE' again. On that note Sublime is a great editor but development on that also seems stalled and while the CFML plugin is pretty good there are issues with it as well.

Unfortunately there just isn't that much support for CFML.  I'd suggest finding a tool you like and learning to love it's quirks :)

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