Update to CF 9.0.2

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Scott Thornton

Mar 14, 2016, 7:58:31 PM3/14/16
to cfau...@googlegroups.com



Have Enterprise 9.0.1, and would like to go to 9.0.2


Cannot locate the installer in the adobe website.


The page https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/release-note/coldfusion-9-0-update-2.html eventually leads to a page for downloading hot fixes.


I have seen previously a link to http://www.gpickin.com/cfrepo/ , however the View Files link https://copy.com/nhIbHZYZnmPN  doesn’t appear to work currently.


Could anyone provide any advice on obtaining the updater if possible?






Scott Thornton, Platypus2

Phone: 498 53361 Fax: 498 53364


Mike K

Mar 14, 2016, 8:25:27 PM3/14/16
to cfaussie
I have the WIn64 installer for CF9.0.2 if you want it.   
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks

Scott Thornton

Mar 14, 2016, 8:51:01 PM3/14/16
to cfau...@googlegroups.com

HI Mike,


I have checked the Windows server and it is indeed 64bit. The coldfusion admin also shows the  Java VM Name as Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM    , so I guess I need the 64 bit version.




I checked the link again, and it still doesn’t work for me. I work in health, and our firewall is pretty locked down, so the website might be being blocked on our end.



I think what I will need to do is attempt to grab the file when I am at home tonight and bring it back into work tomorrow. I will send an update tomorrow.


Thanks for assistance.

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Charlie Arehart

Mar 15, 2016, 10:29:30 AM3/15/16
to cfau...@googlegroups.com

Hi, Scott. Three things (the first and third are most important for you).

First, sadly, that copy.com site does often break, and Gavin (the guy behind the repo) is aware and is moving to dropbox. For some reason, he has not updated the site to point to that new repo. It’s:


And it does have the 902 installers there.

Second, as for not finding them on the Adobe site, well, you may know that can’t even find CF11 installers on the site anymore, since they released CF2016 last month. Many of us lament that (loudly), but it seems a corporate decision out of the hands of the CF team.

Third and finally, sine you propose you “Have Enterprise 9.0.1, and would like to go to 9.0.2”, do beware that 902 is NOT an updater to 9 or 901. It’s a separate installer. You would need to REMOVE your current 901 to get to 902. And there’s little reason to do that. All 902 is, is 901 with Verity removed, and some of the updates available at that time applied. You could (and should) just apply the latest Cumulative Hotfix for 901, and you’d almost be done. That last CHF included the latest security updates at the time, but there were a couple more since then.)

I do realize, also, that it’s tempting to want to go to 902 to “have it with the latest updates installed”. Then again, it too had a CHF and some security fixes after it came out.

And I realize also that applying updates in 9 was a pain. As you may know, there’s Dave Epler’s “unofficial updater” tool to help with that.

I have several posts that could help with all this:



Hope all that’s helpful. And of course, if you get stuck and/or want direct assistance, I can do that with you, remotely. More at the consulting page of carehart.org.


Scott Thornton

Mar 15, 2016, 7:28:07 PM3/15/16
to cfau...@googlegroups.com

Hi Charlie,


Thanks for the dropbox link. I was able to grab the 64bit installer for 9.0.2 from dropbox. Oddly the 9.0.2 files in the copy.com website seemed to be absent, or not accessible ( everything else was present it seemed, when accessed from home internet access ). No problem though, dropbox worked just fine.


I have seen information regarding the requirement to do a full new install, after removing 9.0.1. As it’s a multi-server install, I was going to request some assistance from another colleague here to assist with it ( he did the original setup ). BUT, since you mention it, since 9.0.2 is 9.0.1 with Verity removed, I think I may just go with Cumulative hot fix 4 for this particular server ( and use 9.0.2 elsewhere ). I was really just after a fix for the scheduled task date format problem ( fixed in update 1 ).


Thank you again for you very informative,  complete assistance.


( And thanks to Mike K for offering to supply the 9.0.2 update ).


Charlie Arehart

Mar 15, 2016, 8:38:15 PM3/15/16
to cfau...@googlegroups.com

Glad to help. If you don’t apply the CF9 hotfixes often, do be very careful. It’s so easy to make a mistake (with so many folders to unzip, and in so many locations). Do consider that post I offered on “why chfs may break”, for some tips on things to beware and resolve.



From: cfau...@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfau...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 6:28 PM
To: cfau...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [cfaussie] Update to CF 9.0.2


Hi Charlie,

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