Re: [ceylon-users] Ceylon application in Docker, Help!

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Tako Schotanus

Dec 15, 2017, 10:42:17 AM12/15/17
to ceylon-users
These lines where the COPY happen seem fishy:


There should be a "/com/" in there. It should be:



On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Voitech <> wrote:
Hi Guys, Im trying to run spring application (Ceylon) with docker, but i'm not able to run any ceylon module inside the container. To demonstrate what is my problem i have an example. You can find it here . This is simple ceylon module containing single run.ceylon file which should output "Hello From docker!"

I build ceylon example module running 

ceylon compile

The effect is 

Note: Created module com.docker.example/1.0.0

I moved out the modules out of the project to "simulate" docker env. I have put it in previous mentioned repository. I "cd" to repository main directory. ls -al output
drwxr-xr-x   7 voitech  staff    224 15 gru 11:56 .
-xr-x  14 voitech  staff    448 15 gru 11:48 ..
-xr-x  13 voitech  staff    416 15 gru 15:59 .git
-rw-r--r--   1 voitech  staff    101 15 gru 12:01 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--   1 voitech  staff  11357 15 gru 11:48 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--   1 voitech  staff     70 15 gru 11:48
-xr-x   3 voitech  staff     96 15 gru 11:55 modules

I also have Dockerfile but this will be used next.

I run 
ceylon run com.docker.example
And i get expected output. 

Hello From docker!

(this is my mac operating system run, so it is not run from docker yet) 

I want to build a Docker image now, so i have Dockerfile 

FROM ceylon/ceylon
COPY ./modules/* modules
RUN find .
CMD ceylon run com.docker.example

What happens here:
- I use latest Ceylon image as a source (is it correct?).
- I have /srv directory as working dir. 
- I'm copping ./modules directory from my operating system  to docker image /srv/modules
- I want to be sure that modules in srv so i "find ." to find out what is in /srv (workdir)
- Docker run, should run ceylon run com.docker.example from working directory /srv (am i correct?)

I build an image

docker build -t example ./

Sending build context to Docker daemon  102.9kB

Step 1/5 : FROM ceylon/ceylon

 ---> 297b765af430

Step 2/5 : WORKDIR /srv

 ---> 6cf9705b6680

Removing intermediate container 69538c3c9aec

Step 3/5 : COPY ./modules/* modules

 ---> b08df9c8b5ab

Step 4/5 : RUN find .

 ---> Running in 2316d62129ac










 ---> b3e18122b98b

Removing intermediate container 2316d62129ac

Step 5/5 : CMD ceylon run com.docker.example

 ---> Running in c8b690624871

 ---> 0bf03ce50954

Removing intermediate container c8b690624871

Successfully built 0bf03ce50954

Successfully tagged example:latest

I have na image. As You can see /srv/modules contains example module. 
I run the docker image

I get output 

docker run example

ceylon run: Module com.docker.example not found in the following repositories:




 [Maven] Aether

 [NPM] npm

WHY ??? I'm struggling with this several day now. Why "ceylon run" can't find this "com.docker.example" module. It was fine on my operating system. Why in docker it doesn't work ?? It should be run the same way. I have tried running this module from different working dir manipulating  ceylon  "--cwd" option but it doesn't work. I tried putting this module (with all directory structure above so "/com/example/docker...") in /app/.ceylon/cache, /usr/share/ceylon/1.3.3/repo. Still it doesn't work. 

Please HELP!

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