Ceylon on Android

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Stephane Epardaud

Jun 2, 2016, 9:11:02 AM6/2/16
to ceylon...@googlegroups.com, ceylon-dev
You can find all the info on how to run Ceylon on Android here: http://ceylon-lang.org/blog/2016/06/02/ceylon-on-android/

Feel free to try this and report any issues you find. Or better yet, contribute :)

Stéphane Épardaud

Gavin King

Jun 2, 2016, 10:04:03 AM6/2/16
to ceylo...@googlegroups.com, ceylon...@googlegroups.com
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Gavin King

Rohit Mohan

Jun 4, 2016, 10:43:36 AM6/4/16
to ceylon-dev, ceylon...@googlegroups.com

I tried using Ceylon with Android today with some popular Android libraries and couldn’t get all of them to work.

The libraries that I tried were:

  • Retrofit (A popular HTTP client for Android)
  • Picasso/Glide (Two image downloading and caching libraries)
  • Butterknife (Field and method binding for Android views)

Out of all these, I could get only Retrofit to work.

With Picasso, I get this error. (Similar error with Glide)

Modules containing the following packages need to be declared as imports:
(Tip: try running again with the '--show-suggestions' option)
    com.squareup.okhttp ... [shared]
ceylon import-jar: Problems were found, aborting.
:app:compileDebugCeylonWithCeylonc FAILED

With butterknife, I get this.

Note: Visiting transitive dependencies for com.android.support.support-annotations/23.4.0 
    shared com.android.support.support-annotations/23.4.0 ... [OK, but seems unused]
Note: Visiting transitive dependencies for com.jakewharton.butterknife-annotations/8.0.1 
    shared com.jakewharton.butterknife-annotations/8.0.1 ... [OK, but seems unused]
Modules containing the following packages need to be declared as imports:
(Tip: try running again with the '--show-suggestions' option)
ceylon import-jar: Problems were found, aborting.
:app:compileDebugCeylonWithCeylonc FAILED

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong on my part.


Rohit Mohan

Stephane Epardaud

Jun 6, 2016, 9:44:03 AM6/6/16
to ceylon...@googlegroups.com, ceylon-dev
So the problem with picasso is that it has an optional dependency on okhttp and the methods I use in Gradle's API to traverse dependencies do not list optional dependencies, so I'm looking for a workaround.

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Stéphane Épardaud

Stephane Epardaud

Jun 6, 2016, 11:10:29 AM6/6/16
to ceylon...@googlegroups.com, ceylon-dev
And the second one is due to a missing dependency in the descriptor. I just released version 0.0.5 of the Gradle Ceylon Android plugin, where you can set `ceylon { forceImports true }` to bypass Maven descriptor issues.

Let me know how it works for you?

Stéphane Épardaud

Rohit Mohan

Jun 6, 2016, 12:44:58 PM6/6/16
to ceylon...@googlegroups.com, ceylon-dev
Thanks. The project with Butterknife builds now. But the app crashes when I run it and I get this error:


Stephane Epardaud

Jun 28, 2016, 8:16:23 AM6/28/16
to ceylon-dev
Hi, Can you test with the latest 0.0.6 Gradle Android Ceylon plugin and a new distrib? It should support APT now, at least enough for butterknife.

There's a trick, though, it's that you have to declare your injected value with `@packageProtected shared late` annotations, because it's an annotation limited to fields and we can't make fields public in Ceylon, hence the `@packageProtected` compiler annotation trick.

Can you let me know if it works for you?

Thanks, cheers.

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Stéphane Épardaud
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