Strange Loop 2012
St. Louis, MO - Sept 24-25, 2012
Preconference - Sept 23, 2012
Strange Loop is a multi-technology conference exploring the ways in
which software developers are creating systems that work at new scale,
provide new means of interaction, or create new ways of building systems.
Strange Loop typically covers topics like distributed systems,
concurrency, mobile, web, and programming languages but it is open to a
wide variety of ideas. Strange Loop is primarily focused on commercial
users but also includes talks from the academic world, especially if they
are in areas that are impacting practice.
For ideas of typical talks, see the list of 2011 talks at
Registration is open now (early bird $375 till May 7th):
The conference takes place on Mon Sept 24 - Tues Sept 25, 2012. There is
also an optional preconference day on Sun Sept 23 for paid workshops and
the Emerging Languages Camp.
The conference Call for Presentations is open now for both 50 and 20
minute talks. Strange Loop speakers (both 20 and 50 minute) receive free
admission to Strange Loop, free hotel, and (for 50 minute speakers only)
free US air fare (international speakers receive a stipend instead).
* Call for presentations closes - May 11th, 2012
* Speaker notification - by May 18th, 2012
- Alex Miller