Twist And Shout Destiel Pdf 11

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Tanja Freeze

Jun 28, 2024, 4:18:27 AM (2 days ago) Jun 28
to cetsosawi

Twist and Shout is a Supernatural Dean/Castiel AU novel written by the authors gabriel and standbyme, also known as discover and trunkcoats on Livejournal. It was originally posted on LiveJournal for the 2012 Dean/Castiel Big Bang.[1]

Twist And Shout Destiel Pdf 11

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The fic is widely known in Supernatural fandom, and it is often recced as a "must read" for fans of the Destiel pairing, although some fans avoid it on the basis of its reputation as a tragic tear-jerker. There has also been a certain level of backlash within the fandom due to the fic's unrelenting popularity, with those who dislike the fic wishing that fans would recommend or focus on other stories.

The following situations and characters are a work of fiction. Any similarities between real or actual events or people is purely coincidental and are in no way intended to offend or appropriate the subjects they have adapted to these particular circumstances.

for now, please pass this post around to as many sources as you can. it is important, also, for people to know with publication comes the chore of scrubbing and erasing the fic from the internet as much as we can to avoid any legal troubles. if you have a pdf of the fic we ask that you do not post it to the internet anymore. please tell your friends this. we are hoping that the novelization will lead to response as much as the fic.

The fanfic was previously published twice on via Lulu Press, a print-on-demand website. For the second publication (March 2017) the book had a plain black cover with a perfect bound trade size paperback and contained 658 pages. It was credited to "Gabriel and StandByMe". The first publication (2015) was reviewed by the mother of a teenage Supernatural fan:

Twist and Shout has become one of the most famous works of fanfiction in the Destiel fandom, with tons of fanart, fanvideos, and comments expressing emotional distress caused by this fanfiction spanning sites from Tumblr to Youtube, and even to Goodreads.[5] It has created its own underground following, and most people in the Destiel fandom recognize its name even if they themselves have not read it. One popular tag on Tumblr used by fans to encapsulate the heartbreak of reading the fic is #twist and rip my heart out.

For a period of time it was the most-kudosed M/M fic on AO3. It was surpassed in March 2017[6] by Dirty Laundry, a Voltron fic, but regained the spot when Dirty Laundry was deleted. It was surpassed by another Voltron fic, Call me, beep me, in December 2018.[7] It remains the most popular Destiel fic on AO3 when measured by number of hits, kudos and bookmarks.[8]

The fic received a callout from actor Orlando Jones of Sleepy Hollow on 24 Feb 2014: "To the people who suggested I read Twist & Shout fic....I hate you! What did I do to deserve this?? So. Many. Feels." [10]

Twist and Shout is widely quoted, and there are certain quotes and phrases that fans tend to associate particularly strongly with the fic, and which many say they can never think of the same way again after having read the fic.

Let's face it, there are a lot of books that are way better. I personally would not have respected or loved this book so much if I hadn't known that thousands of fans were going through the same pain I was. You can most definitely find a book that's better than this one and more engaging, but you will never find a book that will leave you with such a strong feeling of camaraderie to your fellow Destiel lovers.

Fanfiction pieces aren't for everyone. People who view the same characters interpret them differently, give them different intonations in works of their own imagination that other fans wouldn't associate with how they view their favourite series. As the saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time. But for Twist and Shout, this actually works in its favour. This is not the Castiel and Dean of the show Supernatural, though they may share their physical features and a few character traits. This story is an exercise in who they could have been were they born into a different time and place, of how their relationship could have evolved if the constraints of the show were no longer in effect. You don't need to be fans of the relationship on the show to read this story; you don't even need to have watched a single episode of the show.

This story is a hard read, even for someone who hasn't experienced the very real horrors that this story entails. There is a reason why there were so many warnings placed upon this story, but in my opinion, none of the things warned about were what struck me about this work of fanfiction. What affected me most was the writing, because it is beautiful, timeless, emotive beyond anything I have read in a long time. Once you read this, there are things that will stay with you forever. There will be certain phrases you won't be able to hear again, famous songs that will pierce your heart all over again, places that will be impossible to hear of without remembering what these characters experienced there. This story is painful, heartbreaking in too many ways to count.

But while the story itself is tragic, the relationship it's built around is ultimately uplifting. This story reminds you that although love cannot in fact conquer everything, true love, in its purest form, is the epitome of forgiveness and endurance. It reminds us that although love has the power to truly break us, it's also the only thing that can truly make us feel alive.

The user who runs the Destiel Fan Survey Favs AO3 collection did say in their January 2021 update post that Twist and Shout was not in the top 20 of the most-voted-for fics for the first time (much to their delight), so... at least people do seem to be starting to focus more on other fics?[30]

In 2014, the fan artist petite madame created a series of ballpoint pen drawings that she assembled into a unique fold out book. Samples can be found below - the full set of images can be found in this Tumblr post, Archived version.

One of several pieces by howlandbird, created for the 2012 Dean/Castiel Big Bang. One fan said about this piece "That last picture of Cas is almost impossible for me to look at, because I can feel how happy he is through it and it makes me so sad. It's my favorite."[31]

Numerous gifsets and graphics have been posted by fans on tumblr. in addition, a tumblr named "twist and shout feels" was created and can be viewed here., Archived version Selected samples from tumblr are below.

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