displaying entities and the washy look

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Thomas Schmidt

Aug 27, 2019, 6:09:05 AM8/27/19
to cesium-dev
Hi everyone,

as you can see in the adjacent image, there's a building assembled through "stacked" entities in cesiumjs. Each of them should have an alternating color but it looks as shown, quite washy and without clear boundaries.

Did anyone see this effect, and how to handle this effect?


Omar Shehata

Aug 27, 2019, 8:49:04 AM8/27/19
to cesium-dev
Are you able to recreate this issue on Sandcastle (https://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html) ? If so, could you send me a link to a reproducible example? (You can click "Share" in the top and get a link).

Does this change based on the camera angle? Does it look correct at any vantage point? What type of geometry are these entities, just rectangles with a solid color material, or something else?

Thomas Schmidt

Aug 27, 2019, 11:52:55 AM8/27/19
to cesium-dev
Hi Omar,

thanks a lot for your response.

I can try it but I did this never before. That's why I think it could take a moment...

It doesn't change. And there's no vantage point where it is correct. Unfortunately the look is "stable".   The entities are of the geometry type "polygon" built by entity api in cesium.

Best regards

Thomas Schmidt

Sep 24, 2019, 11:17:47 AM9/24/19
to cesium-dev

Omar Shehata

Sep 26, 2019, 2:52:41 PM9/26/19
to cesium-dev
Thanks Thomas.

This is an issue known as z-fighting. The problem is when you have two polygons at the same position in 3D space, they will show through each other like this. This is easy to see if you separate out the two sets and toggle between them, like in this modified Sandcastle.

Are they intentionally supposed to overlap like this? If not, you can alter the dimensions so they are stacked instead of overlapping and it should fix it.
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