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Is GeoJSON to 3DTiles possible now?

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Jan 27, 2020, 6:00:33 PM1/27/20
to cesium-dev

According to here: 

Under the "data formats at a glance" section, I see that GeoJSON has a check mark under 3dTiles as compatible format for an asset type. I tried loading some GeoJSON in Ion the other day but have not been able to get this to work. Are there any caveats I am missing? If so I feel they should be listed for each data format and asset type since this does not seem to be well documented. Thanks in advance!

Omar Shehata

Jan 28, 2020, 3:39:12 AM1/28/20
to cesium-dev
You can upload GeoJSON just for hosting, not for tiling. I'm pretty sure that's a typo on the uploading page, which I'll see about getting that fixed. Thanks for pointing that out!

You can read about the GeoJSON hosting announcement here:

Jan 28, 2020, 6:06:11 PM1/28/20
to cesium-dev
Thanks Omar,

I got a little too excited haha.
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