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Streaming of 3D tiles from cesium ion

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fethi Benchaabane

Apr 4, 2020, 6:52:39 PM4/4/20
to cesium-dev
1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.

How does cesium ion server perform tiling for 3D tiles? when i zoom in, cesium render  new tileset.json and .b3dm files .I think it's automaticly renderedfrom cesium ion server but admitting that i have a huge dataset of .b3dm files and i want to host these data to a custom server to render them in a cesium app ,How does the client know with b3dm to render depending on zoom level?

Omar Shehata

Apr 7, 2020, 1:43:33 PM4/7/20
to cesium-dev
Hey! We've moved this Google Group to a new forum, I moved your question and added my answer here:

You can login to the new forum with the same Google account you currently use here. You can read more about this transition here.
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