Cesium 1.29 and Bing Maps key

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Jules d'As

Jan 6, 2017, 2:58:48 AM1/6/17
to cesium-dev

Currently I use Cesium 1.29 and I got a key from BINGMAPS. But when I put "geocoder" to "True", there is a message showing that I use a default key as follows:

   This application is using Cesium's default Bing Maps key.
   Please create a new key for the application as soon as possible and prior to deployment
   By visiting https://www.bingmapsportal.com/, and provide your key to Cesium by setting the Cesium.BingMapsApi.defaultKey
   Property before constructing the CesiumWidget or any other object that uses the Bing Maps API.

While I put "False", this message does not appear.

Here is my code for displaying Cesium:

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("idt", {
            timeline: true,
            animation: false,
            homeButton: false,
            screenModePicker: false,
            navigationHelpButton: false,
            baseLayerPicker: false,
            geocoder: true,//false
            sceneMode: Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE3D,
            imageryProvider: new Cesium.BingMapsImageryProvider({
                url: 'https://dev.virtualearth.net',
                mapStyle: Cesium.BingMapsStyle.AERIAL_WITH_LABELS,
                key: myKey

Thank you for your reply

Hannah Pinkos

Jan 6, 2017, 11:23:44 AM1/6/17
to cesium-dev

You can set your bing maps key globally by setting 'Cesium.BingMapsApi.defaultKey = myKey' before you call 'new Cesuim.Viewer()'.  That way the key will be used for both the imagery and the geocoder.



Jules d'As

Jan 9, 2017, 1:13:05 AM1/9/17
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Thank you.
It works.

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