Is anyone using TileMapServiceTerrainProvider or WebMapServiceTerrainProvider?

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Kevin Ring

Feb 6, 2013, 1:56:14 PM2/6/13
Hi folks,

These don't exist in master, only the terrain branch and other related branches.  Are you using them?  I'm thinking about getting rid of them (at least for now) in preparation for getting terrain into master.  I don't think they're very useful, because...

WebMapServiceTerrainProvider theoretically lets you serve terrain from a WMS server, which sounds useful.  But in practice the only WMS server it works with is GeoServer, and even then only when the BIL plugin is installed.  And you may even need some wacky customizations to the BIL plugin to get it to work.

TileMapServiceTerrainProvider expects the server to produce PNGs using the TMS tile layout, which seems standard enough.  But the PNGs have to use the unusual format where each height is expressed in millimeters above -1000 meters and stored as a 3 byte integer, where the red channel is the high byte, the blue channel is mid byte, and the green channel is the low byte.  Since this isn't exactly a standard format, it's unlikely anyone already has terrain data in this format.  And if you're creating a new dataset for use with Cesium, you would be much better served by the CesiumTerrainProvider instead of using this one.

So I'd like to get rid of these.  Any objections?


Peter Antypas

Feb 6, 2013, 3:20:31 PM2/6/13
I'm not using any of these, although I did try once to construct heightmaps for TileMapServiceTerrainProvider. Not planning to go back to it though.


Jonah Taylor

Feb 7, 2013, 4:54:09 PM2/7/13
No objections here. We use the arcgis terrain provider and slightly modified it for geoserver.

Feb 7, 2013, 5:02:14 PM2/7/13
We use a modified version of the existing WebMapServiceTerrainProvider with Geoserver (with the BIL plugin). Seems to work fine, even without wacky customizations to the BIL plugin.

Kevin Ring

Feb 7, 2013, 5:06:45 PM2/7/13
Peter: what are you using now instead of TileMapServiceTerrainProvider?

Jonah: So you basically modified the ArcGIS provider to be a WMS provider instead?  Or was it GeoServer specific?

Wayne (sorry if I guessed wrong on your name): Out of curiosity, what modifications did you make?

All: next time you sync up to the terrain branch (if you haven't already) you'll need to make some modifications to your custom terrain providers.  You should find it vastly simpler than it used to be, but let me know if you need help.


Wayne Eull

Feb 7, 2013, 5:40:58 PM2/7/13

Good guess! :)

Basically, I just fixed the errors that existed since the WebMapServiceTerrainProvider was lagging behind. I applied some of the changes from the ArcGISTerrainProvider to fix them.

Here's the relevant bits from the diff (sorry for the formatting):

@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ define([
this.tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
this.maxLevel = 18;
+ this.heightmapWidth = 64;
+ this.levelZeroMaximumGeometricError = TerrainProvider.getEstimatedLevelZeroGeometricErrorForAHeightmap(this.tilingScheme.getEllipsoid(), this.heightmapWidth, this.tilingScheme.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(0));

@@ -114,6 +116,14 @@ define([
return maxErrorRadians;

+ WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.prototype.getLevelMaximumGeometricError = TerrainProvider.prototype.getLevelMaximumGeometricError;

@@ -140,7 +150,7 @@ define([
* @param {Tile} The tile to request geometry for.
WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.prototype.requestTileGeometry = function(tile) {
- if (requestsInFlight > 1) {
+ if (requestsInFlight > 6) {

@@ -194,14 +204,14 @@ define([
WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.prototype.transformGeometry = function(context, tile) {
var tilingScheme = this.tilingScheme;
- var ellipsoid = tilingScheme.ellipsoid;
+ var ellipsoid = tilingScheme.getEllipsoid();
var extent = tile.extent;

var width = 64;
var height = 64;

var nativeExtent = tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeExtent(tile.x, tile.y, tile.level);
- = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(extent.getCenter());
+ = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(tile.extent.getCenter());

@@ -257,7 +267,7 @@ define([
tile.maxHeight = buffers.statistics.maxHeight;
tile.boundingSphere3D = BoundingSphere.fromVertices(buffers.vertices,, 5);

- var ellipsoid = this.tilingScheme.ellipsoid;
+ var ellipsoid = this.tilingScheme.getEllipsoid();

Peter Antypas

Feb 7, 2013, 8:31:22 PM2/7/13
I am using CesiumTerrainProvider and it's adequate for now.

Feb 8, 2013, 4:39:06 PM2/8/13
Hi Kevin,

We just got our VR-TheWorld server to start producing PNGs in the format expected by Cesium (thereby eliminating the need for the proxy). I'm still working in the VR-TheWorld branch, but eventually hope to be able to move to a mainstream branch. So I would say no, please *don't* get rid of TileMapServiceTerrainProvider!



Kevin Ring

Feb 8, 2013, 8:11:52 PM2/8/13
Hi Karen,

Great news that you've eliminated the need for the proxy!

I think you're currently using a customized version of TileMapServiceTerrainProvider.  No worries, though, we'll set you up with a TerrainProvider that will work with VR-TheWorld.  It might make sense to make it specific to your server, actually, and call it something like VRTheWorldTerrainProvider.

Did you need to make any changes to the terrain provider when you updated your server to support the PNG format?  Or did you just stop using the proxy?


Karen Overfield

Feb 9, 2013, 8:53:19 AM2/9/13
to Kevin Ring,
Hi Kevin,

We didn't have to make any changes to the Cesium code.  We *did* make changes to our terrain server to start serving PNGs in that format.  There doesn't seem to be a concrete convention for the PNG format, so we implemented the scheme that you guys expected (millimeters above -1000 meters).  I think in the long term, the -1000 meters might not be sufficient, but it seems to work well enough for now.  I do see a problem in the console with error messages streaming by indicating tiles not found because the there are many more levels of detail in the imagery than there is in the elevation data.  However, I thought you fixed that a while back, didn't you?

Karen Overfield
VT MÄK, Principal Engineer
150 Cambridge Park Drive, 3rd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02140
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WebLVC: Bringing Live, Virtual, and Constructive Simulation to the Web

Kevin Ring

Feb 11, 2013, 11:29:35 AM2/11/13
to, Kevin Ring,
Hi Karen,

I believe -1000 meters should be sufficient for land terrain.  It's clearly insufficient if we start rendering underwater terrain, though.

I made some changes to reduce the number of errors in the console, but I wasn't able to eliminate them completely.  In order to eliminate those errors completely, we need to know, prior to making the request, which tiles exist and which do not.  One way to do that is to pick a max level and then make sure the server has every single tile at that level.  This tends to be very inefficient, though, because it requires the entire globe to have the same level of detail.  High detail in the oceans is usually not necessary, and even on land it's natural to have higher-res terrain in some areas than in other areas.

Another approach is to include in each tile a record of which child tiles are present.  This is what the CesiumTerrainProvider currently does.  The downside to this approach is that it requires us to request tiles in level order.  We can't request a tile at level N until we have already received its parent tile at level N-1.

The best approach is to have the tile table of contents available separately from the tiles themselves.  It could be a description file that says "in this rectangular extent, all tiles up to level 12 are present".  It's possible VRTheWorld already has something like this and we just need to use it.  Another way to encode it is with a bitmask like CesiumTerrainProvider uses, only stored separately from the tiles themselves.

Do you guys have some sort of spec or description of your terrain server?  We wrote the TerrainProvider you're currently using mostly by trial-and-error, but with a better understanding of your server I could probably improve it and maybe even fix the tile errors.

If it's ok with you guys, I'd actually like to include a VRTheWorldTerrainProvider with Cesium out-of-the-box, and even include it as an option/example in the Terrain Sandcastle example.


Jonah Taylor

Feb 11, 2013, 4:13:50 PM2/11/13
to, Kevin Ring,
Hey Kevin,

Our solution for geoserver may be a little bit over-engineered, but we decided not to go with the .bil plugin and not have to include the worldwind.jar.  If I remember correctly, that way was requesting huge .bil files from geoserver and the performance wasn't that great.  Instead, we set up a datastore with dted or a very large tiff file and wrote an asynchronous java servlet that forwards the extent request as a post request to the geoserver wcs to retrieve tiff imagery tiles.  Then we treat it the same way as the arcgis imagery after that.  The performance is not bad after you get the jai and java imageio patches to the jvm just right.    

We could not get the geoserver wms to give us 16 bit tiffs, but geoserver has a wcs demo page that we noticed gave us what we wanted.

Manish Gupta

Jun 19, 2013, 6:24:14 AM6/19/13
Hi Wayne,

I am also working on terrain rendering using geoserver.
I need your help in this regards.  Could you please share me the webmapserviceterrainprovider file.  I am failed to search it.
second i have downloaded the geoserver dds plugin in which i got dds-2.4-Snapshot.jar and worldwind-0.6.jar.   
I am using opengeo suite under which geoserver comes with openlayers and other tools.
Currently i have copied them into "geoserver/web-inf/lib", please help me where i have to copy these files to work with geoserver if the given path is wrong.

If i am looking into layer preview option then it is showing BIL and DDS in WMS format.
Thats what i have done till now.  Please help me to show path to go ahead and render my elevation data on cesium globe.


Wayne Eull

Jun 19, 2013, 5:08:57 PM6/19/13
Here's the WMS Terrain Provider I was using at one point.  Your mileage may vary (it's not as performant as the supported terrain providers, and probably not as accurate), but it should give something to start with.  Usage is the same as the other terrain providers.

Kevin Ring

Jun 19, 2013, 5:19:53 PM6/19/13
Hey Wayne,

Thanks for sharing this!  Any chance I can get you to sign the Contributor's License Agreement (CLA) so that we can include this terrain provider in Cesium?  There's one for individuals and one for corporations.  The CLA essentially says that you (or your company) own the copyright to your contribution and that we're allowed to use it.  You just need to email the completed form to


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Manish Gupta

Jun 20, 2013, 3:47:32 AM6/20/13
Thanks Wayne for attaching file.

i am using the release version Cesium-b17.  I have just downloaded it and using in visual studio after extracting. 
Now where i copy this file and add reference to my hello world page to get it work.  Please help.

I have copied the webmapserviceterrainprovider.js on root and given the reference in helloworld.html page.
then i have add the code 

var terrainProvider = WebMapServiceTerrainProvider({
url: 'http://serverurl:portnumber/geoserver/opengeo/wms',
layers: 'layername'
centralBody.terrainProvider = terrainProvider;

It is providing error on first line 
var terrainProvider = WebMapServiceTerrainProvider({

error is: WebMapServiceTerrainProvider is not defined.

please help.


Kevin Ring

Jun 20, 2013, 9:06:49 AM6/20/13
Hi Manish,

You should follow the Contributor's Guide to obtain Cesium from GitHub and build it yourself.  Add the WMS terrain provider to the Source/Scene directory.

Alternatively, you can wait until this terrain provider is incorporated into a bXX release.  I don't know when that will be, though.




Manish Gupta

Jun 20, 2013, 12:27:52 PM6/20/13
Thanks kevin for your help.
I will check the link follow to Contributor's Guide.

Thanks  Again.

Wayne Eull

Jun 20, 2013, 2:46:40 PM6/20/13

I've brought up contributing to Cesium before to my company, and there were some legal issues that needed to be worked through.  

This particular terrain provider is 95% the old WMS terrain provider code that I believe you originally wrote, I just modified it slightly to work with the refactored Cesium terrain provider framework (See the diff I had up on my Feb 7 comment).  Given this, I don't think I could claim any sort of copyright anyway. :) 

Patrick Cozzi

Jun 21, 2013, 5:28:40 PM6/21/13
Wayne - if you need help getting the CLA OKed with your company, feel free to email me directly.


Naman Gupta

Oct 8, 2014, 6:15:20 AM10/8/14

    I'm trying to load terrain map using WMS but couldn't with latest built. I'm able to see the grayscale image in the 3D map. I have already added WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.js in the source code but still no luck. I'm assuming that a lot has been changed in the TerrainProvider class that's why it isn't working. The only solution I'm left with is to modify the WMSTP js file. I have attached the file. Could someone please check if it works with the latest built if not help me modify it?


Kevin Ring

Oct 8, 2014, 7:03:35 AM10/8/14
Hi Naman,

Getting terrain from a WMS server is tricky, and not just on the client (Cesium) side.  Your best bet is to use one of the existing terrain solutions.

The best one by far (I'm only a little biased) is STK Terrain Server.  STK Terrain Server is used to create and host STK World Terrain, which is Cesium's worldwide, high-resolution terrain tileset.  It has a friendly UI for building terrain tilesets, has great performance, and the end result in Cesium will be both higher quality and higher performance than other options because it uses the quantized-mesh-1.0 tile format.

Another option is Cesium Terrain Builder, which can generate heightmap terrain tiles for use with CesiumTerrainProvider.

And finally there's GeoserverTerrainProvider, which loads terrain from the open-source Geoserver WMS server.


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Alexander Wood

Oct 8, 2014, 9:25:22 AM10/8/14

To add to Kevin's comments, one thing you should be careful with when serving raw heightmaps from WMS or the Heightmap-1.0 terrain solutions is that you will quickly lose terrain features as you move towards the root of the tile pyramid.  The reason for this is that height values are uniformly sampled in these formats.  As you approach the root of the tile pyramid, your sampling steps increase and you will lose terrain features in between the samples.   The quantized-mesh format can describe a mesh that is irregular, meaning that the mesh can be defined by the points that *best* represents the terrain features in the tile.  In other words, with a quantized-mesh tile you will find more vertices around peaks and cliffs, and fewer vertices in flat areas.

You'll also see that the quantized-mesh supports extensions that enhance visual quality of the terrain tiles, as needed.  The quantized-mesh currently supports terrain lighting, while water mask support is currently in development.

If your application can access the internet, you can give the CesiumTerrainProvider a try and see if the STK World Terrain dataset is at an acceptable resolution.  However, if you have higher resolution terrain data or must operate on a private network, the STK Terrain Server can be licensed for producing your terrain tileset and serving terrain to your applications.


Naman Gupta

Oct 8, 2014, 9:44:30 AM10/8/14
Hi Kevin,

    I used the GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin and here is the result. not sure what's going wrong ( @Alexander, is it related to the concern you were raising?  ). would be nice if we could add it to cesium's terrain engine.

Unfortunately, my application can't use internet. 


Oct 8, 2014, 4:35:04 PM10/8/14
Le mercredi 8 octobre 2014 15:44:30 UTC+2, Naman Gupta a écrit :
> Hi Kevin,
>     I used the GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin and here is the result. not sure what's going wrong ( @Alexander, is it related to the concern you were raising?  ). would be nice if we could add it to cesium's terrain engine.
> Unfortunately, my application can't use internet. 
> Naman
> On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 4:33:35 PM UTC+5:30, Kevin Ring wrote:
> Hi Naman,
> Getting terrain from a WMS server is tricky, and not just on the client (Cesium) side.  Your best bet is to use one of the existing terrain solutions.
> The best one by far (I'm only a little biased) is STK Terrain Server.  STK Terrain Server is used to create and host STK World Terrain, which is Cesium's worldwide, high-resolution terrain tileset.  It has a friendly UI for building terrain tilesets, has great performance, and the end result in Cesium will be both higher quality and higher performance than other options because it uses the quantized-mesh-1.0 tile format.
> Another option is Cesium Terrain Builder, which can generate heightmap terrain tiles for use with CesiumTerrainProvider.
> And finally there's GeoserverTerrainProvider, which loads terrain from the open-source Geoserver WMS server.
> Kevin
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:15 PM, Naman Gupta <> wrote:
> Hello
>     I'm trying to load terrain map using WMS but couldn't with latest built. I'm able to see the grayscale image in the 3D map. I have already added WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.js in the source code but still no luck. I'm assuming that a lot has been changed in the TerrainProvider class that's why it isn't working. The only solution I'm left with is to modify the WMSTP js file. I have attached the file. Could someone please check if it works with the latest built if not help me modify it?
> Thanks,
> Naman 
> --
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Hello, I am the designer of GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin. Your image is very strange, the format of your geotiff is int 16 grayscale ? Maybe your geotiff was defined with float 32 data format.

Naman Gupta

Oct 9, 2014, 2:24:50 AM10/9/14
Hi there,  I have attached the 2 tiff formats that I tried with. not sure if they are 16 or 32.  Also, the terrain took time to show-up (slower than images ). 


Oct 9, 2014, 5:30:16 AM10/9/14
Le jeudi 9 octobre 2014 08:24:50 UTC+2, Naman Gupta a écrit :
> Hi there,  I have attached the 2 tiff formats that I tried with. not sure if they are 16 or 32.  Also, the terrain took time to show-up (slower than images ). 

it's flot32 grayscale geotiff which is incompatible with the plugin. Moreover there is no coordinate system...

Oct 9, 2014, 5:41:42 AM10/9/14
have you removed the webmapserviceterrainprovider or they are still there?if you have removed then how to store raster(*.tff) data on the cesium?please answer
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